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~ [Singrave Legacy] ~
« on: July 24, 2007, 10:06:32 AM » |
Am vazut ca nu exista asa ceva pe aici si m-am gandit sa deschid unul...sper sa fie o decizie inspirata. Deci, J-rock, sau Japanese-Rock nu se rezuma doar la ce vedeti in intro-urile si ending-urile de la anime-uri. Sunt o multime de trupe (si/sau cantareti), mai bune sau mai putin bune care apartin acestui curent.
The GazettE, Nightmare, Flow, High and Mighty Color, An Cafe, Girugamesh, Dir en Grey, Gackt, Miyavi, D'espairs Ray, abingdon boys school, Back-ON, X-Japan, Merry, AciD, Move, The Candy Spooky Theater, Kazoku, L'arc~en~Ciel, Kagrra, UVERworld, T.M.Revolution, vidoll, Zwei, The Pillows, Pierrot, Rentrer en Soi, Janne da Arc, Hide, Ellegarden, D, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Alice Nine, 12012 si multe multe altele.
So, daca sunt fani poate mai discutam de preferinte, noutati, una alta...daca nu, nu ar rost sa-mi mai bat "gura" degeaba.
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雨 AmaYa 夜
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2007, 04:33:02 PM » |
Si eu ascult J-rock intr-o oarecare masura si imi place mult,insa formatile mele preferate sunt D'espairsRay(de la ei ador Kogoeru si Garnet),Amano Tsukiko(aduce putin a Evanescence si imi place foarte mult melodia Koe) si Nightmare(de la ei ascult cam orice,imi plac mult) si mai ascult si Dir en Grey,insa mai rar ...si am uitat sa spun ca ascult si Acidman
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 04:39:17 PM by Nashimo »
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~ [Singrave Legacy] ~
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2007, 02:02:03 AM » |
Amano Tsukiko nu am ascultat niciodata...o sa ma interesez, insa nu prea au succes la mine trupele cu tipe ca cantarete. Inafara de High and Mighty Color. Apropo, Nightmare a scos destul de recent ultimul album, de pe care face parte si intro-ul de la anime-ul Claymore, Raison D'etre. Un alt album aparut foarte recent, si bunicel, este Reason of Crying, de la Girugamesh. Fani Giru are in for a real treat.
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雨 AmaYa 夜
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2007, 02:20:21 AM » |
De noul album al celor de la Nightmare am auzit cate ceva si am incercat acum Girugamesh si am realizat ca imi plac mult,chiar canta klumea.
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~ [Singrave Legacy] ~
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2007, 02:31:16 AM » |
si am incercat acum Girugamesh si am realizat ca imi plac mult,chiar canta klumea.
Owari to Mirai, Gokusen, Glamorous Sky, Deceived Mad pain, Shadan, Fukai no Yami, Having Betrayed is Why,Kosaki Uta, Melody, Reality, Robust Conviction, Real my Place. Daca melodiile astea nu te fac fan Giru, nothing will.
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« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2007, 09:19:00 PM » |
de ascultat ascult, GackT, Asian kunf fu generation, L'arc en ciel... TM revolutions sunt tot jrock..parca sunt uneori mai mult pop...dar imi plac. xcum, tot jrock kre il stiu il stiu din anime...
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~ [Singrave Legacy] ~
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2007, 02:02:40 PM » |
de ascultat ascult, GackT, Asian kunf fu generation, L'arc en ciel... TM revolutions sunt tot jrock..parca sunt uneori mai mult pop...dar imi plac. xcum, tot jrock kre il stiu il stiu din anime...
Pacat ca 3/4 din melodiile lui Gackt sunt gay. Singurele faine sunt cele mai speedy: Redemption, Longing (care sunt si in OST-ul de la Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus), Black Stone, Speed Master, Lu:na, Lust for Blood, White Eyes, Another World si Returner (care are si un clip foarte misto, care imi aduce aminte de jocurile din seria Onimusha). Solistul de la TMRevolution a plecat la Abingdom Boys School, unde face o treaba excelenta. Melodii ale lor apar si prin anime-uri, precum Innocent Sorrow in intro-ul de la D.Gray-man si HOWLING in Darker then Black.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 02:03:13 PM by Yazoo »
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« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2007, 03:09:35 PM » |
well pana acuma ... formatiile jap rock pe care am reusit sa le ascult cat de cat ar fi (totusi nu am ascultat prea multe melodii ... dar din ce am ascultat unele mi-au placut): The GazettE (Casis, Chizuru, Regret, Filth in the beauty, Best friends si cam atat cred), 12012 - ichi ni zero ichi ni (Over, Cyclone, Another scence, Letter), UVERworld(Colors of the heart, D-Technolife, Just melody, Rush, Shamrock, Shine, Sora, Tobira, Zero no kotae, Survive), Yui (singer, though i'm not 100% sure she plays rock), L'arc~en~Ciel, Nightmare, High and mighty color... cam atat ... momentan ideea topicului acesta e super , chiar am vrut sa caut mai multe formatii de rock japoneze samd, gasisem pe wiki o lista luuuuuunga ... dar asa imi va fi mult mai usor ... mai ales dak recomandati formatii si melodii ^^ thanks ^^
"Taina existentei umane nu sta in a trai, ci a sti pentru ce traiesti." Nicolae Iorga "yami ni madoi shi aware na kage yo... hito wo kizutsuke toshimetem tsumi ni obore shigyou no tamashii... ippen shin de miru?" - Enma Ai
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~ [Singrave Legacy] ~
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2007, 03:48:34 PM » |
The GazettE (Casis, Chizuru, Regret, Filth in the beauty, Best friends si cam atat cred) Ti-as recomanda melodiile de pe noul album The GazettE, STACKED RUBBISH. Este foarte reusit. Stilul e un pic schimbat (la unele faze), unele melodii imi aduc aminte de Linkin Park. In rest, mai incearca Shadow VI II I, Toguro, Anata no tame no kono inochi; Sugar pain si Taion sunt dragute in ciuda grunt-urilor; Silly God Disco, daca nu te deranjeaza engrish-ul; Tokyo Shinjuu, Bath Room. Foarte multe melodii de la Gaze merita. Nu degeaba sunt in top5-ul meu. Ma bucura sa vad ca mai posteaza lumea pe aici.
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« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2007, 09:58:27 PM » |
si eu le prefer pe cele mai speeyd..iar solistu TM are o voce spuer...concureaza q rhapsody.
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« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2007, 11:11:28 AM » |
0-9 12012 Depression Sign Shudder Swallow Sick Depression Sign -Kanzenban Shudder -Kanzenban- Heart Pistol Wana Shine Cyclone-Romeo x Juliet
A Abingdon Boys School Howling -Darker than Black Innocent -Sorrow D.Gray-Man As One Down to you Stay away Nephilim Lost Reason Desire Dress Access Hitomi no Tsubasa -Code Geass Virgin Emotion Naked Desire Moonshine Dance Try Again Yume wo Mitaikara Misty Heartbreak Sweat Silence Drastic Mermaid Scandalous Blue Tear's Liberation Only the love survive Edge REAL AT NIGHT - Nemurenu Yoru no Muko ni
ACID Growing Up -Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou Hanafubuki -Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou 0:00 AM -Tokyo Majin Gakuen Kenpucho: Tou
Acid Android Acid Mothers Temple
Acidman Koen Baiyo Smash Party Zouka ga Warau Allegro Sekitou Hikou Slow View Shizuka naru Uso to Chouwa Nami,Shiroku Repeat Suisya Sai Kaze,Sayuru Equal Coda Aru shoumei human traffic Kisetsu no Tou World symphony Slow Rain Isotope Walking Dada Prism no Yoru Dawn Chorus Simple story REMIND Sekishoku Gunzou
Aile Ain Soph Ajico
Akeboshi Yellow Moon -Naruto Wind -Naruto
Alice Nine Ikuoku no Chandelier- Meine Liebe Wieder Akatsuki -Meine Liebe Wieder Aliene Ma'riage Amethyst Amulet Angelo (band) Animetal
Antic Cafe Kakusei Heroism ~The Hero Without A Name~ -Darker Than Black
Anthem Apui
Arai Akino Hiru no Tsuki -Outlaw Star Kuroi Tane -Outlaw Star Natsukashii Umi -Phantom Memory Kurau Idol Talk -Macross Plus Arashi Beni Step -Major Goal -Eyeshield 21 Asian Kung-Fu Generation Aru Machi no Gunjou -Tekkonkinkreet Yuugure no Aka -Fullmetal Alchemist Rewrite -Fullmetal Alchemist Flash Back -Beck Haruka Kanata -Naruto
Aucifer Aural Vampire
Aya Over Night -Le Chevalier D'Eon
Ayabie [color=blackAyumi Hamasaki
B BaBe Babylon
BACK-ON A Day Dreaming... -Eyeshield 21 Blaze Line -Eyeshield 21 Hikari Sasuhou -Murder Princess Chain -Air Gear
Baiser Prism -Gokudo-kun Manyuuki Baroque
Beat Crusaders Tonight, Tonight, Tonight -Bleach Super ko Rider -Beck Follow Me -Beck Hit in the USA -Beck
Becky Sarara -Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! Kechirase! -Wagamama Fairy Mirumo de Pon! Bi Kyo Ran BIS
Black Lily Sisters Sanctus -Angel Sanctuary Blam Honey Blast Blood Blues Creation
Boom Boom Satellites Dive For You Appleseed 2
Boøwy Boredoms Brahman
Buck-Tick Kagerou -xxxHOLiC Dress (Blood Trinity Mix) -Trinity Blood
Buffalo Daughter
Bump of Chicken Sailing day -One Piece Movie 4 B'z Roots -Black Jack OAV Mienai Chikara ~Invisible One~ -Hell Teacher Nube Shoudou -Detective Conan Everlasting -Detective Conan Movie 6 One -Detective Conan Movie 3 Girigiri Chop -Detective Conan
C Cains Feel Cali Gari Casiopea Celluloid
Chaba Parade -Naruto
Charcoal Filter Tightrope (Medieval Version) -Gensoumaden Saiyuki Tightrope -Gensoumaden Saiyuki
Chatmonchy Daidai -Bleach Shangri-la -Hataraki Man Church of Misery Coaltar of the Deepers Concerto Moon Crunch
D Deathgaze D'espairsRay DEViL KiTTY Die in Cries
Dir en grey Child Prey -Grappler Baki
Doa Shiro no Jumon -Gensoumaden Saiyuki Reload Gunlock
Do As Infinity Yotaka no Yume -Zoids Genesis Tooku Made -V.H.D.: Bloodlust Downy
Dragon Ash Hi wa Mata Nobori Kuri kaesu -DT Eightron
Dragon Head Dué le Quartz Duel Jewel
E Earl Grey Eastern Youth
Ellegarden Kaze no Hi -I'll/CKBC Migite -I'll/CKBC
Elldorado Escape Eve of Destiny Every Little Thing
Exile Careless Breath -Black Jack 21 Exist†trace eX-Girl Envy
F Fairy Fore Vivid -Final Fantasy Unlimited Fake? Pulse -Onmyou Taisenki Filament
Flame Hanashitaku wa Nai -Marginal Prince
FLOW Colors -Code Geass Days -Eureka 7 Re:member -Naruto Go!!! -Naruto ID -Gensoumaden Saiyuki Reload
Flower Travelin' Band
Freenote Kirai Tune -Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Friction Fushitsusha
G Gackt Mind Forest -Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation Oasis -Fist of the North Star OVA Lu:Na -New Fist of the North Star Metamorphoze -Gundam Z Tsuki no Uta -Texhnolyze Garnet Crow Kono Te wo Nobaseba -MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Kaze to Rainbow- MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Koyoi Eden no Katasumi de -MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Yume Hanabi -MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Haredokei -MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Kimi no Omoi Egaita Yume Atsumeru Heaven -MAR - Marchens Awakens Romance Naked Story -Patapata Hikousen no Bouken Wasurezaki -Detective Conan Timeless Sleep (TV Size) -Project Arms Call My Name (TV Size) -Project Arms Yume Mita Ato de -Detective Conan Mysterious Eyes -Detective Conan Natsu no Maboroshi -Detective Conan Kimi to Iu Hikari -Detective Conan
Geinoh Yamashirogumi Requiem -Akira Gethsemane Ghost Girugamesh
Glay Survival -Kaikan Phrase Godzilla & Yellow Gypsy GO!GO!7188 Going Under Ground Gorgon Greenmachine Ground Zero Guitar Vader Guitar Wolf Guniw Tools
H Haino Keiji Happy End Head Phones President Heart Bazaar
Hearts Grow Yura Yura -Naruto Hide
High and Mighty Color Dreams -Darker than Black Enrai ~Tooku ni Aru Agari~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Special Ichirin no Hana ~Huge Hollow Mix~ -Bleach Ichirin no Hana -Bleach Pride ~D.D.INOReMIX~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride ~Real Latin Players Mix~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride ~HAL's Mix 2005~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride ~Nu School of Mixture~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride ~Phantom Pain~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride ~R&B Norishiro Mix~ -Gundam Seed Destiny Pride -Gundam Seed Destiny
Hikashu Hi-Standard Husking Bee
Hyde Season's Call -Blood+
I Iceman Shining Collection -Gravitation Inago Rider (175R)
Ikimonogakari Seishun Line -Ookiku Furikabutte Ryuusei Miracle -Ayakashi Ayashi
Inoran Inugami Circus-dan Izabel Varosa
J Janne Da Arc Mysterious -Sci-fi Harry Kasumi Yuku Sora Se ni Shite -Asobotto Senki Goku Shining Ray -One Piece
Jealkb Jetki Jimsaku
Jindou Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah -Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Wild Challenger -Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Judy and Mary Justin Heathcliff
K Kagerou Kagrra Kalen
Kana Eternal Snow (Diamond Dust Madoka Remix) -Full Moon wo Sagashite
Kanjani8 KAT-TUN Klaha Koenji Hyakkei Kome Kome Club Kousokuya Közi Kuroyume
L LM.C Boys & Girls -Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Oh My Juliet -Red Garden Rock The LM.C -Red Garden
Lacrimosa Laputa
L'Arc~en~Ciel Promised Land 2005 -Fullmetal Alchemist Link -Fullmetal Alchemist Movie Lost Heaven -Fullmetal Alchemist Movie
LAST ALLIANCE Shissou -Ouran High School Host Club
Lead LIV Love Psychedelico Lindberg Loudness
LUCA Ai wo Shiru ni wa Hayasugita no ka -Sci-fi Harry Truth -Utena
Luna Sea Lynch
M Madara Maher Shalal Hash Baz Maki Nomiya MALICE MIZER Mebius Melt-Banana
Merry Saihate no Parade -Over Drive
Merzbow Metronome Mintjam Misery Missalina Rei Missile Innovation Miyavi Moi dix Mois Mono
Monoral Kiri -Ergo Proxy
Mr. Children
MUCC Chain Ring (TV Size) -Zombie-Loan Maximum The Hormone Akagi -Akagi Zetsubou Billy -Death Note What's Up People? -Death Note
N Nana Kitade Antoinette Blue -D.Gray-Man Moment -Fullmetal Alchemist Things Left Behind -Fullmetal Alchemist Pureness -Beet the Vandel Buster Kesenai Tsumi -Fullmetal Alchemist
NewS Sayaendou -One Piece Movie 7 Nightmare Raison D’etre -Claymore Alumina -Death Note The World -Death Note Noir Fleurir Nookicky
No Regret Life Nakushita Kotoba -Naruto
Number Girl
O Oblivion Dust OCEANLANE
Onmyouza Kouga Ninpou Chou -Basilisk Kouga Ninpou Chou
ORANGE RANGE Asterisk (Romantic Version) -Bleach Asterisk -Bleach Asterisk (PV Rip) -Bleach Viva Rock -Naruto
Ore Ska Band Tsumasaki -Bleach Pinocchio -Naruto
P Panic Channel
Penicillin Hanazono Kinema -Shinseikiden Mars Romance -Sexy Commando Gaiden
Penpals Tell Me Why -Berserk Phantasmagoria
Pierrot Yuyami Suicide -Getbackers Pierrot Barairo No Sekai -Getbackers Pierrot Haruka -Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Plastic Tree Namida Drop -Garasu no Kantai Polysics You-You-You Keroro Gunsou Porno Graffitti Winding Road -Ayakashi Ayashi Hitori No Yoru -Great Teacher Onizuka Melissa -Fullmetal Alchemist Psycho le Cému P'UNK~EN~CIEL PYG
Q Quruli
R RC Succession Remioromen Rentrer en Soi Rice Rolly Room#Number Ruins Run&Gun
S Sadie Sadistic Mika Band SADS
Sambo Master Seishun Kyousoukyoku -Naruto
Schwarz Stein
See-Saw The World (Extra Version) -.hack//Sign Suspicion -.hack//Liminality Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru -Gundam Seed Destiny Morgana -.hack//Sign Kimi ga Ita Monogatari -.hack//Liminality Anna ni Issho Datta no ni ~Athrun Zala Feeling~ -Gundam Seed Obsession -.hack//Sign Emerald Green -.hack//Legend Of Twilight's Bracelet Tsuki Hitotsu -Gundam A Thousand and One Nights -.hack//Liminality Kioku -.hack//Liminality Edge -.hack//Liminality Yasashii Yoake -.hack//Sign Liminality (Full Version) -.hack//Liminality Anna ni Issho Datta no ni -Gundam Seed Tasogare no Umi -.hack//Liminality SEIKIMA-II Sex Machineguns
Shakkazombie Sora wo Torimodoshita Hi -Cowboy Bebop
SHAKA LABBITS Shiina Ringo Shilfee and Tulipcorobockles Shonen Knife Siam Shade SID Silk Road Skeletons S.K.I.N. Sky Hawks Snowkel Soft Ballet SONS OF ALL PUSSYS
Sophia Boku wa Koko ni Iru -Kaleido Star Soul Flower Union Spitz Spread Beaver Stomu Yamash'ta SUPER BELL"Z
T Taj-Mahal Travelers Thee Michelle Gun Elephant The Tempters The Back Horn The Black Mages The Blue Hearts The Brilliant Green The Boom The Candy Spooky Theater THE DEAD P?P STARS The Golden Cups The High-Lows The Mad Capsule Markets The System of Alive
The Pillows Scarecrow -Moonlight Mile Come Down -FLCL Advice -FLCL She's Perfect -FLCL Kim Deal -FLCL Instant Music- FLCL Ride On Shooting Star -FLCL Blues Drive Monster -FLCL Skeleton Liar -FLCL One Life -FLCL Stalker Goes to Babylon -FLCL Back Seat Dog -FLCL Sleepy Head -FLCL Our Love and Peace -FLCL Pink (A-6) -FLCL Carnival -FLCL Hybrid Rainbow -FLCL Crazy Sunshine -FLCL Little Busters -FLCL Happy Bivouac -FLCL Rush -FLCL Funny Bunny -FLCL Subhuman -FLCL I think I can -FLCL Last Dinosaur -FLCL Super Trampoline School Kid -FLCL Stalker -FLCL
The Rodeo Carburettor The Roosters
The Seeker Sleepless Beauty -Gravitation
The Spiders The Yellow Monkey The Candy Spooky Theater The Gerogerigegege The GazettE
Tetsu69 Tightrope (Requiem Version) -Gensoumaden Saiyuki Requiem The Tigers
TM Network Your Song -Vampire Hunter D Beyond the Time -Gundam Gyakushuu no Char TM Revolution Vestige -Gundam Seed Destiny Ignited -Gundam Seed Destiny
Toe Tokyo Jihen Tokyo Yankees
Tsukiko Amano Idea -Konjiki no Gash Bell
Two-Mix Journey to the Sun -Gundam Wing Just Communication (Type II) -Gundam Wing Truth -Detective Conan Rhythm Emotion -Gundam Wing Last Impression -Gundam Wing Movie Rhythm Emotion Pure -Gundam Wing Snow Planet -Gundam Wing Rhythm Emotion (RAVEMAN Back 2 Rave Mix) -Gundam Wing
U Ulfuls Baka Survivor -Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Unsraw
UVERworld Endscape -Terra he... Colors of the Heart -Blood+ Ai Ta Kokoro -Bleach Chance -Bleach D-tecnolife -Bleach
V Varja Varuna Versailles Vidoll Vodka Collins Voyage
W WaT Whiteberry Wizard World's End Girlfriend w-inds.
Y Yellow Magic Orchestra Yellow Machinegun
Yui Rolling Star -Bleach Life -Bleach
Z ZARD Kanashii Hodo Anata ga Suki -Detective Conan Natsu wo Matsu Sail no Youni -Detective Conan Movie 9 Hoshi no Kagayaki yo -Detective Conan Iki mo Dekinai -Cooking Master Boy Shoujo No Koro Ni Modotta Mitai Ni -Detective Conan Movie 2 My Friend -Slam Dunk Unmei no Ruuretto Mawashite -Detective Conan Ashitawo Yumemite -Detective Conan
Zeni Geva Zeppet Store Zi:Kill Zigzo
Sper sa ne fie de folos la ceva ....
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 11:23:14 PM by sakura »
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« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2007, 09:15:22 AM » |
X_x...holy mamma! ce multe sunt... cele din anime le stiam...dar sunt o armata. vezi k la TM revolution treb sa scrii gundam seed/destiny, si rurouni kenshin.
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« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2007, 12:57:56 PM » |
Cat despre trupe, ele sunt mult-MULT mai multe (insa mi-e lene momentan sa-mi bat capul cu liste); din cate vad io, aceea lista e axata pe trupe care canta prin anime-uri mai mult, decat pe generalitati.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 11:27:30 PM by sakura »
wtf mai vrei?
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« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2007, 07:35:22 PM » |
nu stiam unde sa fac acest topic asa k l-am facut aici.. ce parere aveti despre muzica japoneza in general....???muzica j mai ales j-rock se dezvola foarte repede si tare.... azi mi-am cumparaty o revista si am descoperit cu stupoare k promovau anime-urile si Japonia... am vazut o poza cu Naruto si Yu Gi Oh si ceva manga...... dar mai mult descia artistii japonezi si muzica.... eh, in fine, ce parere aveti despre j-music si j-rock? astept parerile voastra.. si sa fie numeroase
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« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2007, 08:48:46 PM » |
Eu ash vrea sa shtiu ce revista e,daca potzi da vreun indiciu...