Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World is a video game based on the popular anime series Dragon Ball Z developed by Namco Bandai and published by Atari for the PlayStation 2.[1] It is an enhanced version of the game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3.
Infinite World is a fighting game with cel-shaded graphics to mirror the look and feel of the combat in the series. The game will have 52 playable characters, not including transformations.
Some say that the release date will be 26 november 2008.
adicrst 16-09-2024 19:51:26 i think i recommended you the best pack i tried K_Lite_Codec_Pack_3_9_5_f ull.exe and also let it install Media plyer Classic. It's very good
Gotsin 16-09-2024 17:57:10 Just so you know, the Ace and Cole packs shut explorer down on my comp. not internet, windows explorer. I recommend a player call the SMPlayer. It runs most files, so try that if nothing else works.
Gotsin 15-09-2024 17:40:26 Well, I kicked off the download of the movie to rewrite the file in case it's my comp, and the codecs are dling too, so we'll see what happens when I get home.
adicrst 15-09-2024 03:48:45 lol, you don't have any good codecs installed. Try Ace Mega Codecs Pack or Cole2k.Media.-.Codec.Pack .
Gotsin 15-09-2024 01:22:59 OK, now it's saying there is no Video data detected with both RealPlayer and DivX Player.