is a fan run, non-profit website dedicated to anime series. Use of the website signifies your agreeing to the terms listed on this web page, along with terms located in our Privacy Policy. reserves the right to make modifications to any of these policies at any time without notice to it's users. does not claim to be the creator of the manga or anime series. We had absolutely no part in any creation of the animes, and are just dedicated fans of this series who have taken their time to create this website. Although we did not create the anime series, we did create this website to be as original as possible. We ask that you respect the originality of our work, and not take anything without expressed written permission by the owners.
Copyright � 2007 - All rights reserved! (the site, logo and all it's files are protected by copyright, this thing can be verified by the fallowing emblems)

By using we expect that you agree to respect our efforts in creating a 100% original website. Therefore, you agree that you will not use any of our HTML or other coding, layout, content, or design elements without permission from the owners of this website.
The news on's main page is unique to our website. We ask that you do not take any of our news updates and use them on your website without a source back to us, out of common courtesy. provides a link to any website where it may gather it's news. features an extensive image gallery with of images collected or created by our staff from the anime series. We ask that you please respect our efforts and not use whole galleries on your webpage. If you do use our gallery for your website we ask that you provide a link back to, out of common courtesy.
It is not uncommon for to receive submissions in the form of art or other original creations from it's users. Once these items are submitted they become the property of, and we are free to use them in whatever way we see fit. Credit will always be given to the individual for their creation.
For further elaboration related to issues of liability, with respect to documents available from our server(s), neither nor its creator(s), its webhost(s), sponsor(s) and all associated parties makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that it's use would not infringe privately owned rights. may contain links or uploaded files that have a different encoder or uploader then, even if this does not make the owner of the media, it doesn't make the encoder/uploader the owner either (until they provide us with the owner license), so we can't be blamed of anything as long as it is not directly conected to their server. is ran on fully monitored servers for security reasons. All users who visit are logged. Any unauthorized attempts at accessing (hacking) the sytem(s) are strictly prohibited. Action to the fullest extent of the law under criminal and civil law under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474 will be taken against those who attempt to hack or attack the server.
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Information located on is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. All material on is believed to be original to the owners of this website, and may not be taken for use without the expressed written permission of the owner, and a link back to
In no event will, it's host(s), any other company or individual including third party websites linking to, be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages for any use of this website, or on any other hyperlinked website affiliated with the website. Including, without limitation, any lost profits, loss of program or data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if is expressly advised of the possibility of such damages that may occur.
All Music Videos and other original work located on are property of and it's owner. All material submitted via E-mail or other methods becomes the immediate property of, and may be used in any form by the owners of this website. In most cases, credit will be given where it is due for all submissions. No original work may be taken from and used on another website without the written permission from the owner site IS NOT hosting any animes from the Anime Mirror section, only links to possible download sources
The available anime through direct download are creations of the funsubbing groups and we have all the right to distribute them aslong as we don't change their work. The media files hosted on the server are distribute aslong as they are not licensed and the owner asks us to remove them.
The distribution of the anime is not a criminal act aslong as it's not commercialized ( does not ask for any payment for the download section) and if it's licensed only the owner has the right to ask us to remove them from the server. If an anime will be licensed in the future, this will be removed from the server immediately !. doesn't not encourage piracy, so the materials available are pure informative and you must posses the original.
1. You are welcome to download media as it is made available.
2. You must have in your possession the original material.
3. If you do not have the original in your possession, delete files in 24 hours.
4. and all associated are not responsible for your actions.
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6. We are not liable for any or all damages done to your system or computer.
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For all related matters concerning aspects upon the server which specific media is made available, information from this server resides on a computer system funded by the companies and/or parties associated with it. The use of this system may be, and is, monitored for computer security purposes. Any unauthorized access (hacking) to this system is prohibited and is subject to criminal and civil penalties under Federal Laws including but not limited to Public Laws 83-703 and 99-474.
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