jupy, ai putea sa ne pui tutorialul care il urmezi tu... c'mon, share :tongue:aa
pai, folosesc mai multe...ok, va pun unul:
Make a new document, anysize doesn't matter. Now press "CTRL + D" on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white. Make sure your background is BLACK.
First select the brush tool and go to the brush drop down menu. Use the Butterfly Brush Tool
Now scatter the butterflies through-out the canvas. After doing so go to Filter>Blur>Radial Blur and use these settings:
Amount: 50
Blur Method: Zoom
Quality: Good
Press CTRL+U and use these Hue Settings:
Hue: 194
Saturation: 50
Lightness: 0
Duplicate the layer, set the top Layer blend to Overlay
fool around with the Filter>Distort filters.
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