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AnimeFan | Muzica/Filme | Filme | Topic: A beautiful mind
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Topic: A beautiful mind  (Read 45 times)
Theory of the Strings.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 12

Posts: 173


« on: July 18, 2007, 10:10:00 PM »

Am facut acest topic din pura curiozitate.Sunt foarte curioasa sa vad cine mai vizioneaza filme mai vechi si de buna calitate.Actorul principal este Russel Crowe.Nici nu putea fi cineva mai bun.Cred ca este unul dintre cele mai impresionante filme pe care le-am vazut.O idee originala...it feeds your soul..and it really does.Filmul debuteaza cu ideea ca si un nebun are o minte sclipitoare..Nu dau spoilere,daca vreti sa-l vedeti super,daca l-ati vazut astept impresii.

 "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
Jounin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 15

Posts: 388

« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2007, 06:03:24 PM »

am vazut filmul de 3 ori:X:X:X
m-a impresionat foarte mult
+1 fan

....white trash beautiful....

Theory of the Strings.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 12

Posts: 173


« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2007, 03:08:32 PM »

In sfarsit cineva care a vazut filmul.Ma bucur ca ti-a placut.

 "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
Jounin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 15

Posts: 388

« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2007, 01:22:37 AM »

mi s-a parut super filmul shi il recomand cu caldura

....white trash beautiful....

I see dead ppl...

Chakra: 100

Posts: 653

Is it power you seek?....

« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2007, 03:32:33 PM »

l-am vazut si eu, acum intrebarea de baza: sunt singurul caruia i-a venit cheful sa se duca sa faca niste exercitii la mate dupa?

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
Theory of the Strings.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 12

Posts: 173


« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2007, 01:08:59 PM »

Nu,mie-mi place matematica insa nu fac atat de multe exercitii pe cat s-ar presupune,insa cred ca un 9.60 in capacitate vb de la sine.Da raspunsul la intrebarea de baza e ca dupa ce am vazut filmul m-am dus si am facut toata ziua pana dimineata exercitii la mate( p.s era sambata).
« Last Edit: August 25, 2007, 01:09:35 PM by Arrows » Logged

 "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 1

Posts: 206

« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 11:58:39 AM »

care e faza cu matematica? :)) o sa vad si eu filmul si cred ca o sa-mi creeze o impresie foarte buna...he he 

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