Ninja student (no ranked mission)
Chakra: 0
Posts: 4
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 03:57:26 PM » |
Special Jounin (S-rank mission)
Chakra: 16
Posts: 2050
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2007, 04:48:07 PM » |
..... and then what happened *looking for the rest of the story* >,> I dont often do this but CAN YOU POST THE REST... *Pleeding*
ok ok take your time... but not too long ^_*
  Dont wait for your dreams to come true go after it, live it, love it and never let go ^.^
~Demon King~
New promoted Shinobi (D-rank mission)
Chakra: 3
Posts: 11
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2007, 12:29:54 AM » |
Chapter 4.
One morning, you go down for breakfast and see the boys except Hiei already there. "Good morning Kanako." "Good morning guys." You sit at the table and start eating when all of a suden the house begins shaking and you could hear: "ONNA!!!!!!!!!!...Give me back my shirt!!!" " should run. But then again, this isn't new." says Kurama and you run outside with Hiei on your tail. Kurama was right. This wasn't something unusual. You run into the forest and stop at the bottom of a tree. {I can't understand why he is like that. I only borrowed his shirt. I borrowed AGAIN his shirt. But he has so many.} {I'll rectify that. He HAD so many.} {Hey! Who's that? God is that You?} {No,baka onna.} {'s you.} {I'm the HE who has run out of shirts.}At that moment he appears out of nowhere besides you. "I didn't know you could read minds." "Yes but its' very tiering for me. I don't use it quite often." {I'd better be more careful what I'm thinking about.} "Let's go home onna!" "No. I'm not coming." "What did you say? I don't think you have a choise." He takes you in his arms bride style and you set off home. "What do you think you're doing? Let me go. I can walk by myself." "Be quiet! If it were after you, we would get home tomorrow." "Hmpf!" You really didn't have a choice. {Why am I not mad because of her? If it had been anyone else, besides Yukina of course, I would have probably killed that person. But I find this situation rather amusing. What has gotten into me?} You finally get home and Kurama tells you he'll go out to buy some food. You offer to go with him. Since you came to Earth, you haven't left the house. All you did was training and running from Hiei. This was an oppoortunity for you to learn something. You knew that Keiko, Kurama, Yusuke and Kuwabara had to go to "school" to learn, but you didn't know what it was. You had always studied at home. You knew the people here are different from the ones you were used to, but to you, they looked alike. {I don't understand why they are so different. They don't have 3 heads or 10 eyes or...} But you were interrupted from your thoughts by Kurama: "The're nothing like you had expected, right?" "Hm...yes." "Well, you see, they look like us and maybe act like us, but are unaware of the existence of Makai or Reikai. Without spiritual energy or any contact with the other worlds, Reikai decided to keep quiet and protect Ningenkai from the shadow." "I think I understand. You're the good guys who help protect the humans from the bad guys." "If you put it that way..." "Since we're here, you might as well show me some things and places humans frequent." Kurama takes you first to do the shopping,and afterwards he takes you to a park. Everything was wonderful. It was spring season and the flowers and trees were in blossom. The singing of the birds was marvellous. You had never payed attention to anything like this before. Before, all you could think about was training. But now, when you see children playing together with their parents...
~Flashback~ "Father, I want to play.Let's go out, please!!..." "Kanako, I have work to do. Besides, playing isn't fit for a princess. You must study and behave in order for one day to become a queen worthy of your Kingdom!" ~End flashback~
A tear falls down from your left eye. Suddenly, you feel a cold drop on your cheek. It's raining. It's like the sky was crying together with you, as if it could feel your pain, your sorrow. Then, Kurama gently takes your hand and tells you: "We'd better seek shelter from the rain, or you might catch a cold." He takes you to the biggest tree in the park where you sit down. You were out of the rain, at least for now. "Kanako, can I ask you a question? Why were you crying back there?" "Well,it's..." "It's ok if you don't want to tell me. But I don't like seeing you sad. Now let's change the subject. Tell me, which are your favorite flowers?" "Lilies. The lily is a symbol of chastity and virtue. It is a symbol of life because it is associated with the significance of fertility but it is also a symbol of death, and at one time lilies were placed on the graves of young innocents." "You're right. Life and death are an antonimic pair but which complete each other. In final instance they become one." he says and gives you a white lily. "Thank you Kurama." you say and kiss him on the....cheek. "Hn. When you two are done, we have a mission waiting." "Oh, Hiei. You're here too." Kurama says and smiles. "Well let's go then." You approve and follow Hiei.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 11:42:59 PM by Maou »
 Souls are the only thing that you can't make stronger by training.You can only make them darker....Spilling blood is not my style, but I cannot be helped...
Fanclub Kenshi
Chakra: 72
Posts: 481
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2007, 12:33:47 AM » |
I tried to edit it!!! But then the PC i was using crashed and i fixed it!!! But it deleted all the edited version so i thought man that took a long time so if it is all right with you i wish to just leave it be!!?!?!?!?!
Really am sorry for the mishap though!!!!
Special Jounin (S-rank mission)
Chakra: 16
Posts: 2050
« Reply #19 on: September 06, 2007, 07:56:01 PM » |
woow, i sence a love tangel coming up ^_^, cant wait for the rest to come...
  Dont wait for your dreams to come true go after it, live it, love it and never let go ^.^
Ninja student (no ranked mission)
Chakra: 0
Posts: 4
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2007, 11:49:27 PM » |
Chapter 5
The boys take you home and they set off to Koenma. You went to your room and decided this was a good opportunity for you to test your new powers. You look at your bracelet and start speaking into it. "Hey Ferus are you there? Ferus!!!! Come out,come out wherever you are! " Suddenly, you feel a slight breeze coming from your open window and hear: "Ready or not, here I come!" Next thing you know, Ferus was beside you. "Did you call, your Highness?" he said in an ironic voice. "Stop playing around 'angel boy' . The team has a new mission and I thought of it as a good chance to test my 'angel' powers." " I suppose you're right. And where is the mi..." But he was interrupted by a knock on the door. You panicked. {What am I going to do now? If they see him, they'll find out everything. I must hide him... but where?} " Kanako, are you in there? It's me, Kurama. I have to talk to you." Kurama says and he enters your room. That moment, you froze. You didn't know what to say, except some incoherent words... " Well, Kurama.... You see... I was... Uhm..." " Why didn't you answer me? Were you talking to yourself?" You looked at Ferus who was grinning at you, as he sat on your bed. Kurama didn't seem to see him. " I was in the bathroom. Sorry!" " It's ok. I'm here to tell you that we must go on an important mission." You pretended to be worried to find out what you wanted. " Where? Are you going to be alright?" You hated the fact that you had to manipulate Kurama, he was the only one who treated you like a friend... But then again, you were an angel with a mission. Hm... an angel... You never thought of yourself that way.... But you had to admitt it, after all, that's what you were. " It's no big deal, some demons are attacking here, in Human World. We were ordered to go and extinguish them...." " Please be careful. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." And this time you weren't pretending. It would have been awful if something had happenned to them. Even to Kuwabara, who you didn't really like... But he still was your friend. And Yusuke and Kurama... Especially Hiei... You sighed without realizing. { Hiei... What am I thinking about? I must be going crazy... But he is kind of cute....} "What are you thinking about Kanako?" " Um... Nothing, nothing. I'm just worried..." "Don't be, we'll be fine." Kurama said with a soft smile..." We must leave now. See you later!" "Bye-bye..." After Kurama leaves, you gently said: " We'll see each other sooner than you think..." and a smile appeared in the corner of your mouth... "Hey! I'm still here! Remember?" "Yes, I know. Tell me what I have to do now!" "The only thing you have to do is to take your bracelet off and fly there!"
{Narator POV}
The battle was taking place into a forest near a cliff. The demons weren't so strong, but they were many. The team was exhausted and started to lose. It seemed that the only way to win was to defeat their leader, who stood aside the entire battle. He probably was more powerful. Kuwabara, because of his lack of attention... or more likely because of his stupidity, while fighting a demon, tripped and fell down the cliff. The others rushed to see what had happened and when they looked over the cliff they were blinded by a powerful light. The next thing they knew, Kuwabara was laying on the ground beside them, and a beautiful angel was launching an attack on the rest of the demons. It cleared them all in one strike. Meanwhile, the cloacked figure who appeared to be their leader, dissappeared. The guys couldn't see well the angel because it wasn't facing them and the big wings were blocking the view. Yusuke took a step forward and asked: " Who are you?" " Not your enemy..." The voice stated clearly that she was a girl, but before they could say anything else, she flew away... After they snapped out of the 'OH-MY-GOD-WHO-WAS-SHE??' trance, they went back to Koenma who seemed surprised that an angel was on Earth.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Mistress Hecate! The one you've been searching for has appeared. -Then you know what you have to do. -Yes my lady.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In her room, Kanako was laying on her bed.
{Your POV}
"Damn! I wonder who that misterious guy was." you sighed and decided to sleep.[/color]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You were running from something but didn't know from what. You got home but what you saw was absolutely horrific. Your friends were all murdered. The red from the blood darkened your eyes and mind, and you could feel you were transforming again. But this time, something was different. You could see yourself in a mirror but you didn't recognize yourself. Your wings were the colour of ash, and your eyes were red with anger. You could see that your wings were tainted with blood. You looked at your hands and you let out a shriek of fear. Not for yourself, but for what you might've done. From nowhere, you could hear a cold voice: "You see what you've done? I will make you repent for your sins. Remember my name, for I am the one who shall end your life. My name is Hecate, goddess of the underworld."
Everything was going normal, when the others heard a scream coming from Kanako's room. They all hurried to see what was happening. But the only thing they saw was Kanako sitting in a puddle of blood and a cloacked man sitting infront of her smilling satisfied
Angel Form
~Demon King~
New promoted Shinobi (D-rank mission)
Chakra: 3
Posts: 11
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2007, 02:10:31 AM » |
Chapter 6
"N-No, this can't be happening! Nooooooooo!!!!" She suddenly wakes up from her dream only to see a dark figure sitting in front of her bed. Pain shot throughout her body and in the blink of an eye, the mysterious person disappeared. She tried to stand up, but numbness overwhelmed her and she sinked into the darkness of her own soul.
As they saw her rising from her bed, they looked in shock at her. The boys saw in her eyes that she was in agony, but before Kurama could make his way up to her, her weakened body was already in the puddle of crimson blood...
"What the hell happened?" "Who do you think it was?" "Do you think she's ok?" "What do you even care?" Oh no. Not that annoying voice. Kanako could've recognized that voice anywhere and anytime, even if she was half-conscient. "Then get out of my room if you don't care." Kanako said while her eyes shot open. When she looked at the guys, they all had a "OH-MY-GOD-SHE'S-ALIVE!" look on their faces. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." she says and tryes to get up. Her body was still too weakeaned from the incident and just as she was about to make contact with the hard floor, two powerful arms caught her. At first everything was blury and the only thing she could sense was the strong perfume. When she looked up, crimson eyes met blue ones. She suddenly felt lost just gazing into them, and although they were cold and icy, she could catch a glimpse of passion and affection. But she didn't give it much thought because she was suddenly brought to reality by a slammed door. Hiei put her down slowly and stormed out after Kate. "Thank you all for worrying, but I'm really OK. I would rather be left alone!" Kanako says while she makes her way to the bathroom. She turns on the shower and steps in. Actually, she wasn't OK. She needed someone to talk to, but they weren't the ones to understand her. { What the hell just happened? I must have a word with Ferus! } "The beautiful, handsome, most wanted and needed, the ONE and ONLY, FERUS is in the house... Actually, I'm in the bathro-" he was cut off mid-sentence by the taste of soap which came with abnormal velocity in his mouth, and a grumpy voice behind the courtain: "Yes, MY bathroom. If you want to be more dead than you are, try peeking." "Ok. Ok. Don't be so grumpy. You're gonna get wrinkles... Hmmm... Watermelon taste... Anyway... Now let's get to more serious things. Why did you call for me?" "I know you're like my supervisor so you're bound to know what happened to me." "I don't know who it was, but you must be careful. { It's too soon for this to happen.} Ferus thought to himself but said nothing to Kanako. "Don't worry..." starts Kanako, but she is suddenly surprised by a dancing and singing Ferus. Not to mention he was snapping his fingers. "Don't worry, be happy! Don't worry, be happy!" "In every life we have some trouble, But when you,... Now look what you've done! You made me sing too. Now get out of here before I get REALLY mad." As soon as Kanako said this, Ferus was gone.
In the past weeks, she continued having those dreadful dreams, but the cloacked figure never appeared again. But the dreams weren't actually the 'scariest' thing that happened to her. What REALLY was frightening her, no, it was terrifying her was Hiei. He was talking to her. Not 'hn'-ing, not 'Baka Onna'-ing, but actually, speaking. Now that was scary. The bear thought was giving her goose-bumps. And today was one of those days when Hiei was nice to her. They were all eating and the atmosphere was pretty lively. Kanako couldn't take any more the friendly Hiei. She wanted the annoying Hiei back. She suddenly got up and stated very calmly: "Hiei is broken!" All eyes opened wide at her. The didn't know what to do. To laugh, or to be worried? When no one said anything, she went to her room and Hiei followed her. "Are you alright?" Hiei asks her. "OK. Who are you and what have you done to my Hiei?" "Your Hiei?" he asks with a raised eyebrow. He was dangerously getting close to her. "I didn't mean it THAT way!" she said in defence. "Did you?" he asked her while he pinned her to the wall. Struggle was futile, and she gave up as soon as she felt a pair of warm lips brushing hers...
 Souls are the only thing that you can't make stronger by training.You can only make them darker....Spilling blood is not my style, but I cannot be helped...
.::AF Founder::.
Legendary Sannin
Chakra: 82
Posts: 3655
"Don't make me use the eye !"
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2007, 02:18:08 AM » |
good stuff
Ninja student (no ranked mission)
Chakra: 0
Posts: 4
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2007, 12:22:37 AM » |
Chapter 7
Rain… What was the true purpose behind those tiny drops of water? Is rain good for watering the earth, for it to become fertile? Is it necessary for animals and humans to survive? But if rain is good, what about all the beings massacred in its way? Still… What if the rain has a hidden meaning? What if it is meant to soothe a broken heart? Anyway, the truth is… No one knows for sure the meaning of rain. But today… If one was superstitious or believed in fiction one would probably say that the sky is crying and the heavens are mourning the loss of an angel… “The sky is so beautiful when rain is pouring down and covering us like an overwhelming aura. The clouds take so many shapes that your mind gets out of control, and an infinite imagination carries people to far-away lands. But what can I imagine? Simple people do not know of my or any of my friends existence. They can imagine monsters or almighty gods. And me ? Well, my imagination is not that rich, since I know these creatures truly exist. But my imagination is not thus shallow either. It takes me to never explored worlds, where… It doesn’t matter whether there is a hell or a heaven. There are things more important. After all, parting is all we know of Heaven and all we need to know of Hell… But this rain can also be boring… There’s nothing to do when God’s tears fall from above… This rain is really affecting me, I’m starting to sound too poetic… Maybe I should take some lessons from Kuwabara … Ha, ha, I remember that time…
Everyone was in the living room, just watching a movie. Koenma hasn’t sent the boys on a mission for quite some time. All they were doing was training and now it was movie time. That until Hiei changed the channel. “What did you do that for shrimp? It was in the middle of the movie.” Kuwabara shouted at Hiei who didn’t bother to even look at him. “Kuwabara, the girls are here and we couldn’t look.” “What are you talking about Kurama ? It’s just a movie and we already saw half of it.” “That’s not the point you idiot. There were a woman and a man in that room.” Yusuke tried. “No kidding. I thought there were mermaids… Your point is? ” Kuwabara asked again ironically and glared at the boys. {And he was supposed to be the perverted one} Kanako thought to herself. {An idiot is always an idiot no matter how pervert he is.} Hiei made an attempt to send a mental message to Kanako and smirked upon seeing her reaction from the exchange of lines. “Listen Urameshi, just tell me why the shrimp changed the channel. There were only 2 people.” “God damn it Kuwabara, what could a woman and a man do when they are alone in a room with a bed?” Yusuke shouted at him. “They could play cards or monopoly.” Kuwabara said while everyone had an anime fall. {Figures . What could you ask more from Kuwabara?}, but Kanako’s thoughts were interrupted when Kuwabara spoke again. “Now I get is!” he said. The other girls were already gone. Trying to explain something to Kuwabara gave them a headache, so they decided to go to sleep. “I know what they were doing. They were…” “You don’t have to say it out loud, you idiot.” Hiei snapped at him. “Hiei, let him say. I have a feeling that he won’t say what you think.” Kanako told him with a smile. “Hn.” “The man was going to ask the woman if…” They were all looking at him to see what “smart” thing he would say next. But as Kanako said, he was hopeless. “If he was fat. Neh Kanako, do you think I’m fat?” Kuwabara’s mouth formed a small pout but he didn’t actually had more time to think about is since Yusuke performed a little something called a German Suplex on him.
*End of Flashback*
Kanako shivered at the thought and hoped his grey cells weren’t something contagious. God help her and the others if they stayed more around him. But if she put Kuwabara-the-idiot aside, then there would still be Kuwabara-the true-friend. They were all her friends and she was happy that she met them.
The rain didn’t stop and it was almost midnight. She couldn’t sleep and thoughts kept coming to her mind. After the incident with the film, the missions started again, and Kanako had to work too. Being an angel is not as simple as one would think. The strength of the boys’ former enemies was unknown to her, and even if they could be easily defeated, she still had to protect said boys. She couldn’t just watch them getting beaten until they decided to take it serious. But it wasn’t the part about protecting them that troubled her, but that she did get scratches or bruises and Kurama, being the suspicious fox, started asking questions.
Kanako just entered the kitchen to find Kurama cooking, after a mission. She had really gotten hurt that time, and her efforts to hide it weren’t exactly what you would call effective. “Hello Kurama” she greated and he turned to her with a smile, but which soon faded as he saw the bruises on her hands. He remembered that the Angel had her hands hurt too. “Kanako, how did you get those bruises?” he asked her with a raised eyebrow, visible frowns forming on his forehead. “Oh, this. Well, when you guys go on a mission, I always train myself, and I think I may have pushed it a little too far.” Kanako said with a smile and hoped that he got the bait. “Oh, OK, but be more careful next time.” He said, dropping the subject, but little did Kanako know that Kurama wasn’t that naïve. The look in his emerald eyes showed signs of determination as to finding out the truth behind Kanako’s words. “Neh, Kurama, how did Hiei and Kate meet?” “Well, they met in Koenma’s office. ” “How come?” “Well, she works for Koenma too. As a spy.” “Really? I didn’t know. I thought she only came to visit Hiei, but I never would have guessed that she was a spy for Koenma.” “Well yes. At first, they didn’t even approve of each other’s existence, but in time, I guess something ignited between them and the result is visible : they are lovers. But I think their relationship was also intrigued by their pasts.” Kurama said while making tea. “What about their pasts? I know Hiei has a dark one, but what about Kate?” “She never told us. Hiei is the only one that knows.” “And he never told you because Hiei is Hiei and you hardly make him say hi, not to mention tell someone’s life story.” Kanako said and Kurama chuckled.
*End of Flashback*
Kanako sighed at the thought. If he loved Kate, then why did he kiss her? But then again, he said they broke up.
"Did you?" he asked her while he pinned her to the wall. Struggle was futile, and she gave up as soon as she felt a pair of warm lips brushing hers...
The want-to-be kiss was without the implication of their tongues, but it brought some kind of hidden emotions to the surface. Kanako tried to break up from his embrace and run away, but it was futile as he caught her arm forcing her to face him. He assumed she was not so scared, but most likely surprised and worried and that one of her worries sprung from the thought of Kate. Despite the oh-so-obvious quarrelling that occurred at almost every encounter of the two girls, Kanako wasn’t the type to hurt another person, and especially not with some dirty trick like this one. “I broke up with her yesterday.” No mentioning of the name was required, the topic being clear in the girl’s mind, albeit there was nothing comforting in that. Quite the opposite, even greater worries started to make their way in her mind. Tears could be seen forming at the corners of her eyes, and, not wanting to show signs of weakness, or something which he could interpret as submission, she jerked her arm from his hold, forcing him to go slightly unbalanced and to lean on the wall for support. She ran away before she could give it another thought and softly spoke : “That’s not it.” The demon was puzzled. The look on his face betrayed mixed emotions : surprise, because of her reaction, anger and disappointment, because of the rejection, but most of all, curiosity. What did she mean? The only obstacle, so to speak, which could have been standing in the way of their relationship (did he really think of it as a relation?) was Kate, but now that his bonds with her were severed, everything should have been fine. Or was it something else? Thinking it through, he decided to give the blue-eyed girl some time. After all, if it was something related to her past, it couldn’t be that easy to mend. He knew from experience. Plus, he wasn’t the kind of guy to insist, even if he had feelings for her (were they even real?).
*End of flashback*
She sighed again, a tear rolling down her warm cheek which now took more of a reddish colour. Could it actually be possible she was falling for him? Why did this decision come from above (literally) affect her life so? Somewhat forced to comply to this ‘job’, now she regretted not being Kurama’s or anyone else’s guardian. How was she going to get through this? Love is not a fleeting sensation that you occasionally have, just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning. If the only happiness in our lives is love, then why did it clouded her entire existence right now? If she was to continue this affair and pretend nothing was wrong, she would most likely become a Fallen Angel. Even if the risk was taken, would she really have her freedom again? What happens to all the ‘Fallens’? She forgot to ask Ferus about this. She could ask him right now, but she was afraid of his answer. What if she endangered both their lives? The Guardian Angel would become the Angel of Death… Despite making desperate efforts avoiding Hiei since their little interaction, she couldn’t just erase the memory from her thoughts and the growing sensation of tightness in her chest wasn’t helping. Damn him and his crimson eyes that pierced through her every time they made eye contact. The desperation caught up to her and she made the rash decision of risking everything, possibly her own life. It did not matter anymore if it was love that pushed her through with this, or a mere illusion. She simply had to react…
With moments passed midnight, she gathered the courage to go and start a serious talk with Hiei. Passing slowly by the other bedrooms, in order to avoid waking someone up, she made her way to the bedroom of the boy in which she had taken such interest. Through the slightly open door, she witnessed something which froze her. At the window, under the clear light of the queen of the nights, she could clearly distinguish two figures : one of the said boy, the other person being none other than Kate. And one could say they were far too intimate for former lovers…
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 07:32:15 AM by lady_wolfram »
~Demon King~
New promoted Shinobi (D-rank mission)
Chakra: 3
Posts: 11
« Reply #24 on: November 25, 2007, 08:49:23 PM » |
Chapter 8.
Whenever I find myself in my dreams the scene keeps repeating itself. Remembering it doesn't bring anymore bashes of tears to my eyes, though it brings sharp stabs to my heart. Actually, it never brought tears. The day I witnessed the scene, my heart shattered in million of pieces, my hole inside felt as it died, yet my expression didn't betray the war which took place in my soul. I grow accustomed to despair and sorrow that are my constant companions, just like the lonely nights. For a moment, I hadn’t seen the image – the sheer absurdity of the scene had caused my mind to delete it from my vision. There is nothing but darkness around me as I fall even more into the hands of my broken heart. Life is sink or swim, love is blinding. But there is no love, I embraced nothing. I’ll spend the rest of my lifetime loving you, chasing a broken dream that will never stand firmly in my grasp. As I awaken from the illusion and fall into the lap of reality, I’m only accompanied by tears of broken dreams… How I wish I could shout to the sky, the unfairness of all. And even if I hold out my hands, you’re untouchable. Angels will be the ones to decide our fate. If you are meant to be, they will guide your love back to you. If I could, I would defy destiny and remain wrapped in the illusion of your love for all eternity. Bur reality is cruel. A spark of bitterness grew in my chest.
Something is about to break, and I fear it is me.
Already two weeks since the unforgettable “incident”. There was no use trying to forget, the memory was alive in her mind. Our goddess was very much in love with the little youkai. Well, if you would consider their actual heights, he was taller than her, but that’s not the point. Seemingly, Hiei had lost any interest that he may have had in Kanako and returned to his “love”, Kate. Now we know what a sexual relationship can do to a man, or, in this case, a little fire demon that goes by the name of Hiei. There was nothing more for Kanako to do than accept the facts : she was just a fooled guardian angel and the one for Hiei was that obnoxious girl. At the start of her new mission, if one would have so much as suggested the possibility of falling in love with the ‘stupid ego-crazed fire youkai with big, pointy sticks’ she would have kicked him in the balls and then locked him up in an isolated chamber for being a menace because of said person’s thoughts. But here she was. A half goddess/half angel, loving the one that she was forbidden to love. Damn that sucked. But hey! No one said life was easy. Hell no! Sometimes, she just hated fate, the angels or anything that was beyond her control.
And now, the boring training that she had to endure was starting to annoy her. She really hoped to find out something new, to try out new techniques or anything, but it seemed she was “too delicate” for the hard training. Delicate huh? Really, their ignorance annoyed her to no end. If only they knew that once she was even more powerful than Koenma himself. Enough is enough, especially because she hasn’t been in a good mood for a couple of weeks, and today she decided to take her chance and talk to Koenma. So when our heroes were notified to see the prince in order to receive their next mission, she went along with them. Not to mention that that particular morning, she was far from anything resembling a good mood.
The sight that greeted her upon entering Koenma’s office was a crying Botan and the most probable culprit for her tears was yelling. That pissed her even more. Unlike her usual self, she simply snapped, more likely a result of the last days (you can’t blame her now, can you?). She approached Koenma and addressed him while making a bow:
“Your Highness ! May I speak freely?”
Everyone stared at her and prepared for the inevitable. If they were in an apartment, they would probably be looking for the fire escape. Kanako never called him that. She always used “binky breath”, “toddler” or “talking baby”. Just her choice of words was enough to make them worry. The toddler gave a nod and expected the worst. And here it came:
“you idiot good-FOR-nothing-BABY! How can you yell at a woman? And you call yourself a prince? Prince my ass. If it were for you to rule these worlds, i would rather kill myself or better yet, YOU… Ahem… Now back to what I came here for.”
The boys’ reaction was fit for the “event”. They had an anime-fall, except Botan, in whose eyes really appeared sparkles, who whispered :
”My hero!”
But not everyone thought so. Kurama was wearing his always-present smile, and even a slight chuckle could be heard from him. Yusuke and Kuwabara were both laughing that they were near hysterics, and Hiei’s face had that, again, always present If-I-smile-the-planet-will-explode look. Now back at Kanako. Which person in their right mind would yell at somebody for half an hour, resting their case by asking a favour? They couldn’t tell if she was ignorant, over-confident or plain stupid. For now, they had to accept her as she was. Sometimes, playing stupid was more than necessary to avoid them becoming suspicious like that damn fox.
“As I was saying. I need someone else to train me, binky breath.”
“Why do you need someone else? These guys are…” He swallowed his words as soon as Kanako’s piercing eyes shot him a glare that made him understand that the 4 boys weren’t enough. Why not? He didn’t dare ask. A very pissed Kanako wasn’t a pleasant way to begin a day. So he gave in.
“I’ll send someone else to train you. Now if you don’t mind, I want to speak with the boys about a mission.”
“A mission? In the morning? I can’t go. I need my beauty sleep!” Kuwabara complained with big watery eyes.
"You need more than beauty sleep." Hiei stated, while he avoided a direct punch from the moron. The guardian angel didn’t think further assistance was needed and she left, not the least worried about the argue. And by the sounds she heard before the portal was closed, she knew what happened. Hmph, really, when would that idiot learn his lesson?
Finally home away from the commotion where she could sit and think. Damn. There have gathered too many missions in the last time, and as much as she wanted some peace and quiet, she knew she had to protect the detectives. And there was also the matter of the cloaked figure who started to give her a headache. Well at least she wasn’t the only one, the others were troubled about the angel too. And to make matters worse, Kate started to visit everyday. Damn that sucked. Yare yare. All that was left was for her to get over it. After all, she wouldn’t guard Hiei forever. Now her main concern was eliminating Hecate, after that everything would go back to normal. If her life could be called normal. The only clues she had about the enemy was that it wanted her dead, which really equaled to nothing. It was somehow odd that the figure wanted to kill her, but she felt as if Hiei was in danger too. She hated not having answers for her questions.
The quartet soon arrived home, but their departure wasn’t postponed either. While Kanako thought about her mission too, one thought crossed the minds of two other persons :
”It will happen today!”
This mission was a pain in the ass and the cloaked figure was nothing less than a bitch. It somehow tricked the boys so that it could fight alone the Angel. As soon as they arrived, they lent a hand to the already harmed Angel. The enemy was weakened too and all it took to finish him was Yusuke’s Rei Gun, which, incidentally, almost hit the heroine too. The Angel took off very fast, not even noticing that one of the boys was missing.
************************************************************************************* She flew into the tree in front of the house and attached her bracelet, changing into her normal form. She didn’t even notice the scrutinizing eyes that were observing her. This time she came off seriously injured. Damn that demon. She didn’t even want to think about the questions that are going to attack her. There was also the possibility of telling Yukina, that way she could be healed. She wasn’t afraid that Yukina might give her away, it’s just that he didn’t know how to make such a confession. Better think about this another time. She had to go clean up and change before the boys came home. Not a moment before opening the door, strong arms suddenly pinned her to the wall. Piercing emerald orbs were looking down at her.
“Oh Shit!” was all she could say.
“You can say that again. You have some explanations to give me Kanako, or whoever you are.” The witty fox practically growled. If it were any other person, he would have most likely drugged them and force them tell the truth, but his instincts told him to trust her, and as far as he knew, his instincts had never failed him.
They settled in the living room on the couch, his eyes never leaving her for one second. He sat in front of her, waiting for her to speak first. He only wanted the truth, and decided to trust her this once, but if he sensed a lie, as little as it may be, you’d rather not know what he was capable of.
“I don’t know what to start with.” Her voice merely above a whisper.
“I’d suggest the beginning.”
“It happened the day I met you guys. Before we met, I was a goddess, the daughter of King Kaito, ruler of God’s Land.”
“What do you mean “was”?”
“I still am his daughter, and if he still wishes, the heiress to the throne, but I’m not a goddess anymore. My powers are bound so that I can no longer make use of the four legendary creatures.”
Kurama looked at her quizzically.
“I was the keeper of the four legendary creatures. Now I can control only one : Byakko. Why? Because I became an angel.”
Kurama nodded, and she took it as a sign to continue.
“That day, when I was in my room, an angel called Ferus, came to me and told me the true story of my existence. He told me that my real mother was an angel that fell in love with the one she was supposed to guard. He returned her feelings and she became a fallen angel for him and after that she had me. She died at my birth. So said, if my mother was an angel, that made me one too, except the fact that I am half.”
“What do you mean half?”
“Well I still am a goddess, but I accepted the fact that I was an angel and started to do my duty as one.”
Seeing that the clever fox was being silent, she decided it would be better to explain.
“I’m a Guardian Angel, and the one I must guard is Hiei. Ferus told me that someone is trying to kill him and he needs protection.”
“I doubt Hiei would agree with that.” And a small grin formed at the corners of his mouth.
“Frankly, I don’t give a damn on what that self-centered brat thinks, I just took the job and I don’t intend on failing.”
“Do you know who the one trying to kill Hiei is?”
“No. I just have to protect him until I’m told he’s safe. But he can’t know who I am.”
“Fair enough. What about your other powers? And if your mother became a fallen when she fell in love with your father, doesn’t that rule apply to you too?”
“To answer your first question, I had to choose only one beast that I could control. I chose Byakko. If I’m forced to use all my powers as a goddes while I’m an angel, the powers which I received by turning into an angel would be my death sentence. And for your last question, you’re right. The same rule aplies for me and any other angels. But you become a fallen if the one that you guard feels the same way and the angel decides to stay with him.”
Kurama couldn’t hide his slight surprise, but the real concern behind those immensely clear eyes had nothing to do with his latest discovery. For now, he needed to think over the information that stood before him.
“Tell me Kurama, how did you knew it was me?”
Kurama started with a knowing smile, no, it was a grin, an evil, sadistic, know-it-all grin. She was starting to fear his answer, but she finally shrugged it off when his gentle smile came back.
“My suspicions started when you appeared, because that’s when the Angel appeared too. After that, you were coming home with scratches on you. You said it was from training, but you never got hurt when we trained you and you had to be crazy to harm yourself in that way. Then, all these scratches appeared only when we had a mission and the Angel appeared and always fought the enemy, getting all harmed. And the most important thing was your height.” He said the last sentence with a smile.
“What?” she asked shocked and she would’ve gotten up from the couch if she wasn’t so hurt.
“Well, the only person I knew shorter than Hiei was you and Yukina, but I never really suspected her. Okay, there’s also Genkai, but she is too old for these tricks. And when you change to your other form, your height doesn’t change at all.”
“You sure are a smart old fox Kurama.” He charmingly smiled at her and proceeded with his story.
“Well, I wasn’t sure, but tonight you confirmed my theory. When I saw the Angel harmed, I ran home, knowing that the others would be fine, and Koenma would take some time to find out who the enemy was. I knew, that if I got home sooner, I would find out something. And that’s how I discovered you, Angel.” The smile that was plastered on both of their faces faded at the sound of someone coughing. They turned to the door and saw Yusuke. He had a big smile or grin, or whatever you call that. His eyes set on Kurama, and pointing at him he muttered:
“i told you so!”
Kanako gave Kurama a puzzled look, and it was now his turn to explain.
“Yusuke suspected you too.”
“You know kiddo? You really gave me a headache.” Yusuke said while sitting near Kanako on the couch.
“You really are a pain in the ass. To act all stupid as Kanako and then in your Angel form you kick ass.” He offered her a warm smile and patted her on the shoulder.
“Yusuke, how did you realize who I was?” asked Kanako with a raised eyebrow. Curiosity was making place in her mind at how could the foolish detective even suspect her.
“Well, unlike Kurama, who noticed all the resemblances, I only saw that the Angel was shorter than Hiei. And today I really wanted to see if I was right or not, so…” he said while brought his hand to Kanako’s shoulder and removed some of her hair, and there was a scratch.
“Yusuke, that’s not a proof. I could’ve gotten that from the demon.”
“No Kanako. I did this, because I did it on purpose. When I aimed for the demon, I aimed for your shoulder too.” Yusuke said with a smirk.
“Must be his animal instincts.” Kurama noticed before he shrugged the thought off.
Kanako didn’t expect this. Neither did Kurama. Yusuke wasn’T stupid. He just pretended to be. Or that’s what Kanako wanted to believe. It didn’t matter. Relief dawned upon her at the thought that two of her friends already knew her secret. It somewhat made things easier. It didn’t even bother her that Yusuke knew because he was serious and could be trusted when it involved serious matters. This was their little secret. Their dirty little secret. The thought made her smile and she was happy to have such good friends. That night, Kurama gave her some herbs so she could recover faster. Since that night, the three of them became closer.
It was Friday morning and Keiko was at school. Yukina went to stay at her house for a week and today she had to go back to Reikai. Deciding to spend some quality time while she waited for her friend to come back from school, she went at the mall. She went through different shops, but when she entered the last one, she never came out.
At the mansion in Reikai, Kanako was playing a videogame with Yusuke and she was kicking his ass. Literally. “You just had luck Kanako and you know it.”
“Bite me Urameshi you know… ouch! WHAT the HELL? You idiot, I didn’t mean it that way!” she yelled and Yusuke who did bite her.
“Will you too shut the hell up?” Asked Hiei from the windowsill in a deadly voice.
“Listen Frodo, nobody asked you so let us be.” Kanako snapped at him, but before Hiei could begin a fight, Botan came into the room and asked them:
“Did any of you see Yukina?” Hiei was the first to react. He gave Botan a startled look, he was feeling concern, fear? He was scared of what the hyper girl might tell him? Most certainly. His twin little sister was sure to make him worry, even though he didn’t know if something actually happened to her. And the feeling that grew in his chest was not helping either.
“Why do you ask?”
“Keiko called and she said that Yukina has gone shopping this morning but never came back home. She had to come here today.”
“Maybe she’s in her room.” Offered Kanako and she made her way to Yukina’s room. Everybody was searching for her in the other rooms, the garden, even the forest, or as a certain fire demon, use the Jagan to try and find her. When Kanako entered the room, it was empty, but something caught her eye. On her bed, there was a piece of paper. She didn’t know why, but her hands were shaking when she picked up the letter. But the letter gave her a reason to be shaking and even more :
Dear Team Urameshi, I have the Ice Maiden. In exchange of her life, I want Kanako. I’ll meat you tomorrow night at the same place where you met the Angel for the first time. If you come without the girl, the koorime will die. Hecate.
Kanako’s face went pale. Her identity was no secret to Hecate. Any other reason for her presence didn’t exist. But what could she want from her? She was just an angel, and the enemy knew that very well. Just a Guardian Angel. Really? If that was who she truly was, she had failed miserably. Not even her friends were safe. And now Yukina was gone.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2008, 07:30:28 AM by Maou »
 Souls are the only thing that you can't make stronger by training.You can only make them darker....Spilling blood is not my style, but I cannot be helped...
~Demon King~
New promoted Shinobi (D-rank mission)
Chakra: 3
Posts: 11
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2008, 07:31:01 AM » |
Chapter 9
“ What if, Kate?” was all she bothered saying as the sword pierced through the girl’s body, falling down lifeless.
************************************************************************************* Earlier that day
In the blink of an eye, the room was deprived of the presence of the fire demon who most probably was seeing Koenma at the moment regarding the kidnapping of his sister. Besides being worried for Yukina and what might have happened to her, three other minds were thinking hard about the unknown kidnapper. Maybe not unknown, but what other than the name was useful information? That, and the fact that she knew about their “double agent”. And God forbid her intending to kill Hiei (the only logical explanation Kurama could come up with, that way, he assumed, the angel must die too).
Shortly after, they left for the meeting point and upon arrival, they were bewildered and disgusted to see Yukina chained with an ugly monster guarding her. On the edge of the cliff sat the cloaked figure who did not acknowledge their presence until it was getting irritating with Yusuke’s shouts of battle and all. Hecate, they presumed, but her face was still hidden from their eyes. Everyone was anxious and mad, Kuwabara and Hiei more than the others. One would wonder how Hiei managed to keep his cool in this situation, especially knowing what part Yukina played in his life. But not wanting the ones who didn’t know find out about his relationship with Yukina, he conformed with keeping his voice low, but deadly :
“ Let her go!”
“ Patience is a virtue that you lack completely, my dear Hiei.” She said in a low but audible voice that sounded so familiar.
“ First of all, give me Kanako and then I’ll give you the Koorime.”
“ What do you want with the onna?”
“ Oh! You are right. Her identity has remained a mystery for you all.”
“ She doesn’t know herself who she is, you old hag!”
“ Oh Kuwabara, you are so naïve. What if I am to tell you that she knows exactly who she is? What if I am to tell you that she had a reason to be in that forest where you found her? What if I am to tell you that she lied to all of you about her existence? What if – “
“ stop it!”
All eyes returned to the source of the yelling, different emotions mixing together. Hiei’s eyes were, thank God not literally, burning holes through her entire body, Kurama, though calm, expressed worry, Yusuke was thinking what would Hiei do if he found out the truth, or even more, what if he found out that Yusuke knew? In other words, Yusuke was dead scared. And Kuwabara… Well, what else than stupidity can his look express? She was shaking furiously. Not only her identity would be revealed, she was going to make sure of that. The more she listened, the more that voice pierced through her ears, the more the pieces of the puzzle connected.
“ If you dare say one more word, I’ll…”
“ You’ll what? Attack me with your sword? Try to kill me? I doubt it. You wouldn’t want to be discovered, now, would you?” Hecate said as she took a step closer to the group.
“ Now, Hiei, would you want to hear the truth about little Kanako here?”
Silence was her answer. Any resistance coming from Kanako would only mean admitting hiding a secret. After all, trying to get excused might get you accused. But why should she care after all? Killing Hecate was nothing more than getting rid of her job, getting rid of the angels, getting rid of Hiei… It really didn’t sound as appealing as she had thought…
“ You see Hiei, her coming here is not a mere coincidence. It is a touch of destiny, or more accurately, the will of the angels that has brought her in your path. And by your path, I mean only you, Hiei. You are the reason this sweet little Angel has joined this team, to be by your side when you are in danger, to fulfill the job that she had been presented with. To be your Guardian Angel.”
Although taken aback by Hecate’s words, Hiei manages to voice out his thoughts as determined as he always is.
“ What is this nonsense you are sprouting? You seem to forget that I know this woman and her powers don’t go much beyond stealing shirts and getting her ass kicked.”
“ Oh! But Hiei, you have to believe me.”
“ And the reason is…?”
“ Because she’s your f**king lover, Hiei…” Kanako hissed, her face one big storm. She was angry. Why? Was it because that bitch knew who she was from the beginning and lied to everyone? But still, her true feelings… Have to wait, is what Kanako resolutely decided. She should not hesitate now and only focus on what she came here to do. Rescue Yukina, protect Hiei and kill Hecate.
“ What are you talking about Kanako?” asked the dumbass.
“ Are you deaf Kuwabara or you can`t hear from the air that’s coming out of your ears? She’s Kate. Hiei’s lover. She lied to all of us.”
“ Look who’s talking. You’re the one that lied from the very beginning. So there isn’t that much of a difference between us!” Hecate yelled in frustration as she took her cloak off and attacked Kanako.
“ Yes there is. I came here to protect them. To protect Hiei. To protect him from you!” Kanako yelled back as she dodged the attack.
And so the fight began. Just as the others wanted to interfere, a blue barrier blocked them from helping Kanako.
“ We have to help her! She’ll get killed!”
“ No she won’t Kuwabara.” Kurama’s voice was low, firm. “ This is her fight. We can’t interfere.”
“ Yeah. She’ll handle it.”
“ Urameshi! You too?”
“ Hiei! I’m sorry about Kate.”
“ Hn. Don’t be, fox. I can’t believe she tricked me. How could I be so stupid?”
“ Her plan was quite simple if I may say… Even the name is an easy analogy : from He-Cate to Kate… I have to admit that she surprised us all.”
“ I don’t care about this anymore. I just want to kill the bitch, get Yukina back and find out if what she said about the woman is true or not. Now how do we get out of here?”
“ You can’t!”
“ Em, guys? I think I’m hearing things.”
“ No, you’re not, Kuwabara. I’m up here!” said again the voice.
The boy that soon met the curious stares from the four detectives had blue hair and eyes, a wide grin spread across his face. He was quite handsome and his eyes showed playfulness. What kind of weird personality had this new-comer? Unfazed by the battle, serious because he acknowledged the gravity, happy because of it taking place, but most of all, devilish as if he was all-knowing. His figure was so simple to read, and yet you couldn’t understand anything. Interesting indeed.
“ Yo! My name is Ferus. That is a barrier. You can’t pass so just enjoy the fight!” he said as he looked back at the 2 girls fighting. He ignored the calls from the boys that wanted to know more about what was going on.
Back on the fight, Kanako was still in her natural form. She was scared to show her Angel form. What if Hiei will hate her? What will happen after she defeats Hecate and leaves the others? She never asked herself these questions. As she was thinking about these things, she lost her concentration and Hecate’s sword pierced through her arm.
Still in her human form, Kanako was not yet willing to show the others her true form. Will this result in Hiei or the others hating her? If this fight ends with her victory, will she be forced to leave them? But mostly, why did she have to think about the consequences in the middle of the fight? And, as expected, her lack of concentration led to her being hurt, Hecate’s sword ruthlessly piercing through her arm.
“ For God’s sake, Kanako. Just let it out!” Ferus yelled and sent Hecate flying into a tree so he could give Kanako some time to regain herself.
“ Will you shut the f**k up already? This is my fight so stay out of it. If you want to be useful just save Yukina!”
Kanako yelled in anger and took off her bracelet. What if they found out who she was? Heh, suck hypocrisy… They already know, what more is there to hide? She made her mind up not to let this fight evolve any further. She would put a stop to it here and now.
As her big wings came out, she went through all the usual transformations. Yet, something was different. The look in her eyes showed… anger? Disgust? Usually she had the face of an innocent angel.
The fight began. Punches and kicks were thrown, balls of power and clacks of swords could be herd.
Speaking in terms of power, Kanako in her Angel form could defeat Hecate. So damn her morals that prevented her. In such moments, why did she have to think about Hiei’s feelings at losing Kate? The ending of this battle was already decided and there was nothing that could avoid it.
Again she was sent flying into a tree and again she let doubt take over her rational judgment. Fatigue soon took over her wounded body and she lost, to some extent, her will to fight.
Hecate walked to the boys that were kept prisoners in the barrier.
“ Now do you believe me Hiei?” she asked him as she licked her lips.
The look in Hiei’s eyes was indescribable. He was angry, frustrated, mad… sad? Sad that Kanako lied to him? That she wasn’t that crazy woman that he chased every morning? That she wasn’t the one that he really …
“ Well, now I don’t care if you believe me or not, because you’ll all die!” Hecate said and as she was ready to strike, her eyes widened in shock.
As she turned around and looked at the place were Kanako lied, she could feel the amount of energy that was coming from the little Angel. But it was different from before. It was… Dark? … How? …
With her face hidden by her hair as she rose from the ground, she disappeared in a split second. Hecate was struck by fear at the sight. How could she be scared? She was assured that defeating the Angel was something inevitable, something she could do. Or at least, that was what he said.
“ You know you can’t be saved now don’t you?” Ferus asked in a serious tone.
They all looked at him.
“ I am her instructor. I told her about her powers and how to use them. ”
“ Then why aren’t you helping her?”
“ Mr. Urameshi , just because I’m her angel, it doesn’t mean I’m a good angel. And this isn’t the Kanako you know…. I guess it’s time for me to leave. It was nice meeting you.” Ferus said as he disappeared into thin air.
What the hell was he talking about? Suddenly, it could be seen that Hecate’s body was feeling a sharp pain. Blood was coming out from her mouth and whole body without anyone touching her. What was happening? After she was thrown to the ground far away from the others, Kanako stepped out from the shadows that were engulfing her and she started slogging towards her as if hypnotized. With grey wings and eyes that betrayed the lust to kill, this new Kanako approached Hecate and then…
“ What if, Kate?” was all she bothered saying as the sword pierced through the girl’s body, falling down lifeless. Just as this happened, Kanako collapsed to the ground, the barrier disappeared and….
To be continued...
 Souls are the only thing that you can't make stronger by training.You can only make them darker....Spilling blood is not my style, but I cannot be helped...
SigKage Judge
Special Jounin (S-rank mission)
Chakra: 149
Posts: 2401
There's an ANGEL rocking my world
« Reply #26 on: July 19, 2008, 08:27:48 PM » |
OMG!!!! u know i was looking forward for this. am glad u came back and continued. i so wanna know what goes on next
i'll wait for u until the heaven falls i'll wait for you until the end of worlds i'll wait for you until i no longer breath i know that it's not impossible i'll wait for you until you finish your fight i'll wait for you until the timing is right i'll wait for you until you knock on my door.