Astazi Kuro-Hana a publicat o stire foarte trista in care ni se explica faptul ca le-a fost interzis sa mai subtitreze Death Note. Inca nu se stie daca vor fi nevoiti sa renunte la tot proiectul sau vor avea voie sa duca pana la bun sfarsit seria.
Stirea suna in felul urmator:
"Sad news to inform all off our watchers for Death Note.
We have just received a C&D;(Cease and Desist) from VIZ Media stating for us to stop all distribution of Death Note by 22nd June 2007.
(This letter has also been served to Animanda, c1anime? & Several Death Note fan sites.)
As most of you know we have been subbing Death Note since it got licensed back at episode 12, starting from ANFS and working our way to Kuro-Hana.
We have decided to stop subbing/distributing Death Note by the 22nd of June.
Death Note 36/37 MIGHT be done by us, depending on how we go about this, if not, expect to see another group rise up." lanseaza urmatoarele proiecte: fanii anime sunt invitati sa participe!
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dark_leon 26-12-2023 00:13:20 adi.. nu crezi k pagina cu Af staff ar trebui refacuta?? k totusi... jane nu mai e mod si nici sakura nici andemon nu e acolo..
LaDy_D3viL 25-12-2023 21:29:23 Da... am vazut-o... Si mi place! :X
adicrst 25-12-2023 16:51:59 Revista AnimeFan 3 a fost lansata, luati-o cat e calda !!