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Heil Stalin
ANBU (S-rank mission)

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Cand o sa fiu mare, vreau sa fiu Michael Scofield!

« on: April 30, 2007, 11:36:10 PM »

asa, pentru ca sunt pe celalalt forum de aprox. un an, si pe la vremea aia eu stateam intr'un balansoar si crosetam sosete in loc sa chatuiesc, asa ca, decat sa stau si mai mult in balansoar si sa cant "I am a real american" (which i am not), am scris o poveste din brainsii mei roji (damn that word)

sper ca stiti engleza:

A, si sa nu uit, o mica legenda a caracterelor:
Darkeh: un baiat pe nume Tudor (da, din romania)
Ena: o nemtoaica(?) pe nume Ena
BDM: SDM, alt nemtoi(?) pe nume Cristian
pe Archy si pe mine ne stiti toti
plus multe alte caractere pe care daca nu le cunoasteti, nu imi pasa, si nu conteaza

Teh spiffeh forum story

Once upon a time there where 3 brave *ahem* Warriors.
These warriors where named Darketh, Archangel, and Jiraya.These 3 “warriors” wanted to go on a quest…so they went to their clan ruler, Lol.She said that she has just the thing.They where to infiltrate the other clan (rulled by BDM) and steal their super-secret-technology.
Once they heard the requirements they set off on the mission.They had a few obstacles to pass until arriving at the other clan.

                                  Chapter 1.


-Did anyone bring water & stuff? Said Jiraya with an ironic tone.
Darketh looks at Arch and Arch looks at Darketh.
-Oki…let’s hurry up before you guys have cannibal issues again.
Walking along they stumbled upon a turtle that was reading *dirty* magazines. His name was Jimmy.
-Ahoy! Said Jimmy.
-I think he is a pirate. Whispered Arch.
-You think? Asked Darketh.
-What brings you here, young men? Asked the turtle.
-We quest for the Holy Grail! Said Jiraya
Darkeh glomped Jiraya. (Idiot!)
-Actually we want to pass your bridge. Explained Arch.
-Ah, you have to give me something!
-*dirty* Magazines!
-Jiraya? Asked Arch.
-No way! Answered he.
-Darketh, hold him while I steal them!
And so they passed the bridge…eagerly and merry, everyone of them…well, except for Jiraya.
-T_T you meanie Arch! Said Jiraya through his tears. It took me a year to get those!
-Atleast we passed the bridge so stop complaining.I hear that they have good ones in the clan! *liar*
-For real?
-Clan! Here I come!
-Wait up! Said both Arch and Darketh!

                               Chapter 2

                           The DDR champ

-*song* And merry we are! Very cheerful around the forum! ^^ Until the day everyone becomes rich! Sang Darketh.
-Can you please shut up? Asked Arch.
-Arch I say we put him in this potato bag I found on the floor.
-Good idea. I have just the plan! Hey Darketh!
-Remember that you wanted to be a DDR champ?
-Well here is your chance! Get in this bag and you will find the former champion and a DDR machine!
-ZOMG! Screamed Darketh while entering the bag.
-Loooooooooser. Said Jiraya.
-Tie the bag before he gets out! Said Arch.
Meanwhile, inside the bag Darketh was unconscious.And he was dreaming something like this:
-I shall own you! Shouted Darketh.
-Just try me! Challenged the DDR champ.
*Level I*
Darketh:99 points;
DDR C.: 100 points;
*Level II*
Darketh: 1 point;
DDR C.: null;
*Final round*
DDR C.: 100 points;
Darketh: 101 points;
-And amazing! Darketh managed to win against the DDR chamo and so he became the new champ! But wait, who are those two men?
-Darketh wake up!
-Yeah dood get out of my bag!
-What? Asked Darketh.
*back to reality*
-You suck at DDR you know? Said Jiraya.
-But I am the new champ!
-Champ this! Said Arch.
*smack in the face*, *unconscious*
-You think we can steal his gold…err I mean posts?
-Why not?
*minus 1000 posts from Darketh*
*plus 500 posts for Jiraya and Arch*
-Ha,ha! Scored! Hi-five!
-We rule! Stated Arch.

                                    Chapter 3

                                    The Boss

-Hey Arch can you carry Darketh, he is becoming very heavy.
-No! I am the team leader and I give commands.
*some French mumble*
And suddenly out of the bushes something came and glomped Arch.
-Revenge! Said Jiraya.
-Shut up and get this thing off me!
-Get it yourself.
-I am your boss…do not make me send you to the start of the mission with respawn.
-Foolish little mortal! I am Shao-Khan! You can not fight me!
*Darketh wakes up*
-I slept well…Jiraya what the hell are you doing?
*grabs Jiraya and pokes him to death*
-But mommy, I am king of the Underworld.
-*ahem* Can someone get this thing off me please?
-Sure. Nodded Darketh.
-Count me out! Said Jiraya.
Once the thing was off Arch’s back they went to beat the crap out of Jiraya.
*totally immune*
-Don’t make me hurt you!
-Oh yeah? Asked Arch.
*lifts in the air, and keeps him suspended*
-(Damn Admin). Thought Jiraya.

                                     Chapter 4

                                   The founder

-Allright, thank God Jiraya is in the bubble and we can’t hear what he is saying!
*inside bubble*
-Dudes! I can see enemy forumists! Up ahead! Dudes! Hey! Oh, Dammit.
-Hey Arch, I think he has something important to say.
-Nah, he only wants attention.
*Party raid, Darketh and Arch are KO-ed, Jiraya is took as hostage*
-What the hell happened? Asked Darketh after a while.
-I think we got raided.
-Where’s Jiraya?
-Oh no…
-They took him?
*PM for Arch*
“Get me the hell out of here!”
-We need to go save him now.
-How? They warped to the clan base but we have to walk.
-We need founder help!
*adicrst arrives*
-What seems to be the problem?
-We need access to the other clan and we need a quick warp there!
-Only 1 thing can be done, understood?
-Oki then take us to the clan.
*warping time*
-Great but now we need an entrance. Said Darketh.
-Leave it to me.
*Arch concentrates and makes a hole in the clan barrier*
-I know I am.
-Ok let’s go!
-Where can we go?
-How about we spy on them a little.
-Good idea.
-I say we split up and return here in 3 hours.
-Got it!
*And so Darketh went west, and Arch went east, but what happened to poor Jiraya? Will they find and eliminate the clan’s best GFX artists? Will they find the Ultra-super-secret plans? All this, and more in the next Chapter: “The three from the dawn”.

                                 Chapter 5

                          The Three from the Dawn

And so Darketh found a room that was marked “Do not enter” and got into trouble by entering it.Now it is all up to Arch, to save Darketh and Jiraya, and steal the clan’s plans!
*at the men’s club*
-Someone should remind me to make one of these in our clan too! Said Arch.
*Private message*
Darketh: Arch, You need to get me out of here and then we must go for Jiraya, forget the plans, we need to get out of here and warn the clan about the invasion BDM is planning.
-Oh God, Excuse me ladies I must go.
*Arch is running in the streets while using his person tracker to find Darketh, it seems that Darketh is located in a nearby building, and he isn’t alone, BDM is there and he is getting ready to execute Darketh with his l33t sigs, but first Darketh needs to roll the 1d20 dice and 1d12 dice to see his defence power against the attacks.
-Better hurry! Darketh can’t take those attacks for long!
*Seeing how BDM’s attacks did low damage to Darketh, BDM calls his assistants Terdras and demonfox911 to help him eliminate Darketh, But through the door came Arch, ready to save Darketh!*
-Hand over Darketh, BDM!
-So you came here for torture too? Asked BDM, fine if you want to save your friend, you can be eliminated just like him, attack him!
*Arch was doomed, he had no way to escape since the attacks where all of a sudden. It seems like this is the end…But wait?? Who is that person?*
*through dust*
-If you think you can just attack my friends, you are wrong!
-Who the hell are you? Asked BDM.
-I am the perverted freak of Kuro Tsukyokumi, I am a GFX artist, I am The one and only…
-Don’t tell me it’s you!
-Where did you pop out? Asked Arch.
-It doesn’t matter now, quick! Go save Darketh while I hold BDM down.
*and a fierce battle commences between Arch and Terdras and demonfox911, while Jiraya was fighting BDM.
-You better hurry I can’t hold him for long! Stated Jiraya.
-Got it! Said Arch while taking down demonfox911.
*but in a turn of events, Terdras slammed Arch and drugged him with laughing gas by accident*
-Dammit! Said Jiraya.
-You are cornered! Stated BDM/
-Are you sure? Asked Jiraya.
*Where Jiraya was standing is only a log now, and Arch with Darketh disappeared.*
-Damn, quick! Find and catch them! We can not let them inform the clan about our secrets!
*elsewhere, Jiraya was heavily running because of his 2 comrades*
*When Darketh suddenly woke up, Jiraya explained what happened and that they must run and inform Lol that the Yakuza want to attack Kuro Tsukyokumi*
-You must run without me! Since the duel with BDM, I took heavy damage and can barely walk, nor run. Take Arch with you, we can’t leave him here.
*and as Darketh was departing, somewhere in a location deep underground*
-Yes, I can stop them, said an unknown demonic-like voice.
-Good. Said another voice.
-Yes, they shall soon be here as my slaves.
*meanwhile, back at Jiraya’s location*
-Argh, I better get up and wait for em to chase us. This is not my end!
*at Darkeh, Arch is gaining conciousness*
-You ok, buddy?
-Nope, Infact I am a little woozy.
*and then, in a burst of gas*
-Te-hehehe, I am so happy! Said Arch while dancing around.
-Omg it must be the gas Jiraya told me about. Sorry Arch but I have no other choice.
*Ko-ed Arch, and so Darketh continues his journey back to Kuro Tsukyokumi, and what will happen to him on this journey? What will be of Jiraya? What does BDM have to do with all of this? And most importantly: Who was the person BDM was talking to? All that, and more in the next chapter: “Brother demon”


                                     Chapter 6

                                  Brother demon

*In the last chapter we saw how BDM was planning for some special help, while Darketh was running back to the clan (with Arch on his back).*
*Darketh running back to the clan*
-Dammit I need to get back, quick!
*But suddenly the earth began to crack and Darketh fell underground, while Arch was left on the floor.*
*in some unknown realm*
-Where the hell am I?
-In a world you have never imagined! Said a random voice.
-Oh shi…
*elsewhere, in the normal world*
-Oww…my head! Stated Arch. Where is everybody?
*PM for Arch*
“Arch you need to go and warn the clan about the invasion, and then come back and save Jiraya and me!
Bring Aquarius or someone with you! Hurry!”
-Oh, great! Stated Arch. Well, better get running!
*meanwhile, at Jiraya’s location*
-Omg where do all of these forumists come from, it seems that when I defeat 1, suddenly 2 appear.
-It is that way! Answered BDM.
-Oh, F*ck!
*Meanwhile, Arch had gotten to the bridge*
-You need to pay a toll!
-I already did, and besides, I need to warn the clan about the invasion!
-Oh yes? Then you may pass.
*Arch continues to run*
-(Must hurry up! I have to hurry up!)
*back at Jiraya’s location*
*PM for Jiraya*
“Jiraya, you can now retreat, I got Arch’s message! The clan’s special GFX forces are moving to war, you better hurry up and join them!
                                    Signed, Lol”
*Jiraya disappears again*
-Dammit he got away again!
*While running Jiraya asked Lol what happened to Darketh, she informed him that Darketh never got back to the clan base.*
-Hmm…it seems that the ground here was took apart.
*Jiraya makes a hole in the ground*
-The Tracking device says Darketh is in this hole!
*meanwhile, back at the clan*
-Arch, you are in charge of the GFX division.
-Understood! March on!
*at Darketh’s location*
-Ah crap, I’m almost out cold if I don’t do something quickly.
-Say goodbye brother!
*in a burst of dust, Darketh is saved again*
-It seems you owe me double-time!
-For real dude! Thanks for arriving just in time!
*banishes demon*
-You ok?
-Yeah but that won’t hold him for long!
-Who cares man, let’s get the hell out of here!
*managed to escape*
*Jiraya covers the hole*
-That should hold em’ for a while! Now, let’s run!
*all that was left behind was dust*
*What shall happen to the two clans? Where is BDM?
Who will win? Will the wars end? All this, and Much, much more! In the 2nd series! “Guild Wars”!!!

                              Gaiden story

   Yes, Yes I know I said chapter 2 was going to start but I had an idea due to constant ppl being annoyed because of “Kakashi Gaiden”.

                      Archangel Ryukenden

With a few months before the start of the series, we find ourselves again in a Guild war. The same guilds, possibly more, but we will stick with the 2 main guilds.
The hidden “Yakuza” and The Clan from the Mist “Kuro Tsukyokumi”.
                                Chapter 1

                     A boy’s life in the war zone

Well we find ourselves in some part of the forum where no one else is. We find our 3 heroes waiting for a mission. These 3 heroes are called “Bol, Arch and Jiraya.
Finally, after getting the mission briefing, we find out that the team was sent out to steal the Yakuza’s plans for attack.(where did we see that one again?)
*while running*
-Geez, why do we always get the crappy missions? Asked Jiraya.
-You call infiltrating into the opposite clan, stealing plans, and maybe taking out other forumists, crappy? Asked Bol.
-But still we are a team, and we need to work together! Stated Arch.
-Eeeh. Mumbled Jiraya.
*at the clan gates*
-Now what?
-We climb them?
-Yes,Yes, but I am afraid of hights!
-I said WE, shall climb the wall.
-Who made him leader? Asked Jiraya.
-Misty, Answered Bol.
*after a few fights and stuff, they got to the secret plans*
-Quick! Jiraya go take them and?  let’s run!
*in a few secs, Jiraya was battered and bruised*
-Got em’!
*falls on floor*
-Bol, do you mind collecting him off the floor?
-Sure… Man is he heavy!
-Let’s run!!!111one!!!
*back at the clan’s base*
-We got the plans!
*the leader checks the plans*
-If they plan to “cherry-pie” us then we have no problems. *sarcastic*
Bol: o_O
-JIRAYA!!! Raged Bol and Arch.
-You got the wrong plans!
-How was I supposed to know that they want to make cherry pies invade us?
-Moron…mumbled Arch.
Will they get the plans right this time? Will they have to take-out more forumists? And what will happen to them? All this, and more in the next chapter! “Confusion strikes! Who is who?”

                                Chapter 2

                  Confusion strikes! The plan is unveiled

-I think we should get going on the mission! Stated Arch.
-Mind you if Darketh tags along? I just ain’t in the mood. Responded Jiraya.
-Well if you don’t come we need a substitute, so, why not? Let’s go!
-Good luck.
*everyone was running*
*later, at the clan gates again, it seems that the gates where open and the 3 went through it.*
-Keep you guard up! Warned Arch.
-Got it!
*but no one was attacking, the whole place seemed abandoned, yet the buildings where still intact and scratch-less, they decided to return to the leader’s room*
-I would have expected Absavage to jump us, suspected Darketh.
-Anyway, let’s move on! Ordered Arch.
*once they found the “good” plans they ran away*
*after they exited, Absavage was staying with BDM in a building, nearby the plan base*
-They got the plans. Stated BDM.
-Good, said Absavage. They would never expect us attack them from the air!
-But don’t the plans say…
*at the Kuro-clan, Misty was thrilled to see that they got the right plans this time*
-Now we can find a way to counter their attack!
-Yeah, yeah whatever. Slugged Jiraya around.
-Shouldn’t we attack them? Asked Bol.
-No, we will wait for them to attack us and take no prisoners!!!!
-I think she watched too much slaughtering movies, whispered Darketh to Arch.
-No really?
And this is the part everyone was waiting for,the war ended at the current time and peace was declared, until now, What happened to Misty, Arch, Bol and the others?
Well here is what happened:
Misty retired and went for an easier life, away from the forum. *We will never forget her!*
Bol changed her name to Lol and became the clan leader, two weeks after Misty left.
Arch was clan leader for 2 weeks, but Bol took his place since he thought it sucked to be a leader. (Oh yeah and he became emo)
Jiraya became a perv that slugs around the forum.
Darketh is now a teammate of Jiraya and still dreams to be a DDR Champion.
Absavage is now a shadow that never appears.
BDM is now the clan leader of Yakuza, and he recruited new forumists, then he declared war to Bol again.
And that is about it… oh yeah, and new ppl joined and I need to mention:

Kuro Tsukyokumi                                              Yakuza
ULD                                                                    Terdras
Sakura                                                          Demonfox911
Fallen Angel
Shadow Ninja
                                And many, many more!!!       

                               Story 2
                             Chapter 1
                            Clan Wars!

After the victory over Yakuza, Lol sent for a huge party that would honor all those who fought for freedom (& stuff)
Darkeh as usually was showing off at his DDR talent. Archy was leeching around with adicrst. Jiraya was still trying to learn how to hold a monologue for two days (oy, too much FF for him!).
But it was time for the party, and what a party it was, everyone was there, including the new recruits and the veterans. Darkeh challenged almost everybody to DDR (and actually won), Lol was chatting with Archy, Jiraya was drinking and looking at pr0n (as usual), Sakura was chatting with the other female division of the clan. And the others where just having fun.
-I would like to say “Thank you” for gathering here tonight, and for managing to defeat the rival clan. Said Lol. The few people I want to thank are Archangel, for leading the army to success, Darkeh, for inspiring us, and Sakura and the others for helping us out.
-Bah, after all I did she didn’t even bother to say my name. I’m out of here, this is getting boring. Said Jiraya.
And so, Jiraya left the room, going to his clan room, which he shared with multiple members. He gone out the window and looked at the sky.
Meanwhile, Darkeh went to look for him, when he went back to the room, he found no one, not even a tiny creature.
He was no longer there, it is as almost he would have disappeared in thin air.
Darkeh, who was a little worried, went to tell Lol about this, she immediately stated.
-Did anyone see that goof Jiraya?
-I think I saw him go to the rooms, said Gotsin.
-He isn’t there, answered Darkeh.
-Someone has took him away for sure. Everybody search for him.
Everybody’s searches where directed in only one room, the bedrooms, where he was last saw first.
But BDM was still there, he was not defeated, and his minions where with him. They trapped the whole clan and caught them.
Everyone panic’d and screamed. But it was futile, they where already doomed.

What happened? Where is Jiraya? How did BDM get back? All this, and much, much more, in the next chapter.

                              Chapter 2
                    “No, I am not the hero”

When everyone was locked up in BDM’s jail, they where surprised to see Jiraya.
-What happened, where are we? Get us out of here! Where just a few of the questions and orders he received.
-If you really want that, go find yourself a hero, I’m not for that stuff.
Everyone was surprised of his new attitude, he usually had a solution for everything, but now, he is confused and sad, just sitting in a corner and singing:
“If you will leave/ He will find you/ And an eye he will take from you/ If you will scream/ He will eat you/ You and your soul!”
Everybody was staring at him and concluded that he went insane from only one day of staying there.
On the left of the cell there where some stairs, on the right there was a door. Everyone tried to ask him something but he just ignored them. He sat there and sang all day long.
Eventually Lol managed to get an answer but soon the whole cell was dark and a door opened, the sound was that of claws scratching the ground, and Jiraya panic’d and started to sing again:
“If you will leave/ He will find you/ And an eye he will take from you/ If you will scream/ He will eat you/ You and your soul!/If you will say what you know/You will die immediately!”
He continued to sing as the creature stopped in front of his cell and entered it.
Everyone tried to stay calm and hear what happened.
Suddenly, there was a scream and a sound that could only describe something  had fell on the ground.
When the creature turned back to the door, it’s eyes where clear and red like a fire, then the lights turned back on and Jiraya was there no more.
Suddenly, everyone started to run around and scream, but they soon calmed down because of the tought that the beast will kill them too.
Eventually, someone had the courage to open the cell door and leave. And that someone was Archangel, seeing him, the others left after him, the door sound played again, and they rushed down the stairs and outside through a door. They where free, but they where in a cemetery. Again they heard a song similar to Jiraya’s.

“If you will leave/ He will find you/ And an eye he will take from you/ If you will scream/ He will eat you/ You and your soul!/If you will say what you know/You will die immediately!/If your name you will say/ Death forever will follow you!”

They walked a lot through the cemetery and still heard the creature even though when they exited it and entered some kind of forest. After traveling a while through the forest, they found an opening that led them back to the clan base.
Arrived there, Darkeh and Archy hesitated in entering it and heard one last song, this time, it was complete:

“If you will leave/ He will find you/ And an eye he will take from you/ If you will scream/ He will eat you/ You and your soul!/If you will say what you know/You will die immediately!/If your name you will say/ Death forever will follow you!/And if you will die, You will realize/That it is not your life!”.

They call me Craazy Looop
Gotta be Craazy Looop
Gotta get a LIFE

ANBU (S-rank mission)

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Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2007, 12:34:43 AM »

Vai de mine!daca nu m-ar durea capul de la atata ras as mai citi in continuare! ai talent omule! Faci si unul cu cativa useri dupa forumul romanesc?Hai mai!

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Григо́рий Ефи́мович Распу́тин

« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2007, 12:53:19 AM »

 Cine ii Demonfox911 ca is curios !!!
 Si seper ca povestea va continua !!!

.::Fondator AF::.
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Don't make me use the eye !

« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2007, 04:22:16 AM »

bravo, un bonus de +20 ryo

Urasc iarna !
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There is no failure. Only feedback.

« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2007, 11:03:38 AM »

 hahaa,super tare bravo 

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Dark Avenger FTW

« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2007, 09:37:34 PM »

 You're funny ^^.

Romanian Girls are HOOOOOOT and the boys are NOOOOOOOT
Heil Stalin
ANBU (S-rank mission)

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Cand o sa fiu mare, vreau sa fiu Michael Scofield!

« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 12:30:51 AM »

doamnelor si domnilor, am doar o intrebare? ARE YOU READY? ARE YOU READY PENTRU EDITIA ROMANA?
edit mai incolo

They call me Craazy Looop
Gotta be Craazy Looop
Gotta get a LIFE

.::Fondator AF::.
Legendary Sannin
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Don't make me use the eye !

« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2007, 12:48:05 AM »

hit me

pt editia in romana:

Urasc iarna !
I am an avenger
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I am the powerfull

« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2007, 08:08:07 AM »

chiar te rog  pune-o cat mai repede

ANBU (S-rank mission)

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Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2007, 04:54:12 PM »

EH...dar gata?nu mai scrii?de ce? (
Si cum se termina?...doar melodia aia?
What happens to Jiraya?did he really go insane?

Heil Stalin
ANBU (S-rank mission)

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Cand o sa fiu mare, vreau sa fiu Michael Scofield!

« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2007, 10:54:21 PM »

dam dam dam daaaaaam...

                                                           Animefan RO

Buuuun… a fost odata ca nici… err… un forum? Asa, si pe forumu asta erau mai multe persoane, care mai de care cu problemele lor. Asa a aparut forumul, un hipiot care fuma s’a gandit ca poate daca el ar organiza un loc in care multe persoane s’ar aduna si ar discuta pe diverse teme, ar putea sa fumeze multa iarba ! Si uite asa a luat nastere forumul Aplus.
Dar forumul animefan a avut o istorie mai misto, intr’o zi cand se plictisea, DJ Vasile, pardon, adicrst s’a decis sa deschida un forum impreuna cu fratele sau Stalin andrei AKA Archangel AKA Archy AKA The comunist overlord AKA The drug seller, unde lumea putea sa interactioneze si sa discute fara sa fie tinuti in lesa! (ma refer aici, la discutie libera... nu va ganditi la prostii).

Acum incepe partea mai interesanta care nu prea mai are legatura cu cele de sus (cu exceptia personajelor).

Lumea s’a format atunci cand ,Adam,  adicrst si cu ,Eva, Nefertiti, au... err... creat o colonie de oameni buni, primii lor copii fiind Jiraya, Kyo, andemon si shinigami.
Dar, de cealalta parte a lumii ,Stalin, Archangel si cu ,Rosie O’Donell, LaDy_D3vil au format o colonie de oameni diabolici ! Printre care, pardon, doar Jane, gabitzu si cu Ragnarok.
La scurt timp dupa formarea populatiei lumii, coloniile erau in razboi, dar asta nu a impiedicat a doua generatie sa se cunoasca mai bine, astfel, Jiraya imprietenindu’se cu Jane, pentru a forma o noua colonie, departe de acest razboi fara granite, copii lor fiind Brolly, euuu, Magikano, sakura si Dreamskeeper (O_o...). Acestia au fugit de oamenii cu care au crescut, dar nu le dadeau pace. Toata lumea fiind impotriva acestei idei, i’au urmarit pentru ca apoi sa incerce sa ii execute, aruncandu’i de pe un deal, si injunghindu’i (desigur, nu ambele). Cei doi au disparut sub conditii misterioase, dar in prezent, razboiul este incetat, Brolly casatorindu’se cu Akate, de unde au aparut Ariadna, sungoddess si EvilPeach, Ariadna care mai tarziu devine sotia lui Ragnarok.

Ok, sa trecem la partea generica.

Intr’o seara, cand Ragnarok si sotia sa incercau sa doarma, de afara, din curte se auzeau niste fosnete. Ragnarok se duse sa verifice, Ariadna netrezindu’se inca. Cand Ragna iesise afara, nu descoperise nimic, abia atunci cand s’a intors la usa, simti cum o pana puternica il lovea peste ceafa, se intoarse sa vada un barbat cu parul lung si cu o masca draconica pe fata, un amestec de negru cu rosu, sub aspectul unor gheare. A doua oara cand barbatul il lovi pe Ragna, acesta cazu la pamant, si atacatorul se facu nevazut in noapte. Observand ca sotul ei nu se mai intoarce, Ariadna se duse sa verifice, si mare i’a fost mirarea cand il observase intins pe jos in fata usii. Aceasta il alerta imediat pe primarul orasului, adicrst care ceruse sa se desfasoare o ancheta, condusa de fratele sau mai mic, Archangel.
Zi si noapte cautara acestia, dar in zadar, barbatul nu putea fii gasit. A doua noapte, pentru a se asigura ca va fii protejat, « inspectorul » Archangel, a pus doi paznici la casa lui Ragnarok. Inutili insa, nu se petrecuse nimic.
In urmatoarea dimineata, cand Ragna se plimba pe strada, il observase pe Kyo sau Kyo in oras.
-Ce faci aici Kyo ?
-E... m’am intors si eu in oras, am venit sa imi vad parintii, fratii.
-Aha, nu cumva ai idee ce se intampla pe aici nu ?
-Nu, dar aseara s’a intamplat ceva foarte ciudat, un barbat mare, cu parul lung si o masca se plimba prin fata casei lui Jane.
-Jane e in oras ? Credeam ca a disparut cu mult timp in urma.
-Pai da, dar s’a intors.
-Si Jiraya ?
-Nici urma de el, e inca disparut.
-Aham. Bine, imi pare bine ca te’am revazut.
-Si mie, pa.
Trecand pe langa Kyo, Ragna observa ceva ciudat, semana putin cu barbatul care il atacase. Ragna se opri un pic sa cugete, apoi isi vazu de drumul sau. Ajuns acasa, Archangel il astepta pentru ai da o veste deranjanta.
-Aseara a mai fost atacat cineva.
-Cine ?
-Tot de el ?
Ragna se aseza pe scaun si incepu sa se gandeasca la posibilitatea ca Kyo sa fie omul mascat.
-Ai vreo idee ?
-Da, una... vino dupa mine.
-Unde mergem ?
-La Kyo.
-Ce legatura are el cu atacurile.
-Seamana cu barbatul acela.
-Nu are cum, Kyo a ajuns in oras abia ieri, atacul asupra ta a fost acum doua zile.
-Atunci cine ? ... stai putin, Jane ! Ieri se plimba tipul asta prin fata casei ei, poate are ea idee cine e !
-Nu prea cred.
-Tu anchetezi sau ce faci ?
-Nu, mai mult stau degeaba.
-Se vede, preiau asta in mainile mele, se vede ca tu nu rezolvi nimic.
-Woohoo, acum pot sa ma duc sa imi beau cafeaua si sa mananc gogosi !
-Pfoaa... ce om a angajat si adi asta...
Ragna merse acasa la Jane, dar cand ciocani, usa cazuse asa ca intra, nu era nimeni in ea, parea abandonata. Intra intr’un fel de biblioteca. Era un volum care ii atrasese atentia acestuia, il lua pentru a il rasfoi. Pe coperta scria doar « 7 Crime si Ucideri ». Vazand acest titlu, Ragna intra intr’o stare de soc si se decise sa fuga din casa cu volumul, dar cand se intoarse, cineva il prinsese de gat si il tranti repede la pamant, Ragna lesinand pe loc de la forta impactului.
Ceva mai tarziu, in alt loc, Ariadna se intreba unde umbla Ragna, caci se intunecase. Aceasta se decise sa il sune pe adi, care il trimise din nou pe Archangel. Acesta stiu imediat unde avea de cautat, amintindu’si de specificatiile lui Ragna. Si ajunse la Jane acasa, pentru a gasi o usa curata, si o casa stralucitoare, cand ciocani, ii raspunsese Jane, care pretindea ca nu stia nimic despre aceste atacuri si alte lucruri. Archangel observa ceva agatat de peretele din spate, si anume o sapca pe care stia ca o purta Ragna de obicei.
-Dar de unde ai sapca aceea ?
-Asta ? Asta a fost a lui Jiraya inainte sa dispara.
-Aham... pot sa o iau pentru ancheta ?
-Nu prea vad la ce iti va trebui, dar ia’o.
Si acestea fiind spuse, Archangel porni inapoi spre sediu, cu sapca int’o mana, si o gogoasa in cealalata. Inapoi in casa lui Jane, aceasta inchise usa si se intoarse spre o persoana din umbra.
-Era sa te prinda.
-A fost aproape, dar nu se pricepe.
-Ce i’ai facut ?
-L’am legat de masa.
-Aham... si cine urmeaza ?
Barbatul iesi din umbra pentru a se dovedi a fii atacatorul din ultimele zile.
-Archangel si Lady Devil...
-Ia’o usor te rog, sunt totusi parintii mei.
-Bine, promit sa nu ii ranesc prea tare.
Si cu toate acestea, personajul din umbra incepuse sa rada cu o voce malefica, ce rasuna prin tot cartierul, speriind pisicile si trecatorii din apropiere, care nu aveau idee ce au auzit.

Va urma in episodul urmator : ’’Jurnalul violentei’’. Va reusi oare Archangel sa descifreze ceva ? Vom afla oare cine e barbatul mascat ? Ce legatura are Kyo cu toate astea ? Ce legatura are Jane cu atacatorul ? Si de ce pun eu atatea intrebari ??? Toate astea, si mai mult, in urmatorul episod ! ‘’Jurnalul Violentei’’ !!

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« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2007, 11:17:54 PM »

oh yeah, go me go me.... dak sunt criminal, ajung la shinobi prison

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« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2007, 11:29:54 PM »

mai dar tu chiar te pricepi! Imi place! biata Jane...a ajuns sa fie personaj negativ si Kyo suspect...
Oy dar ce ai cu bietul Ragna?Pe tot parcursul povestii a fost din nou pana la urma a fost legat de o masa...damn ( )
Anyway..misto poveste! ma faci la ora asta sa rad ca o dementa   Mersi fain!!!!

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« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2007, 11:30:49 PM »

 Hai ca e tare.Eu nu port sapca.Tu pui atatea intrebari deoarece vrei sa para mai interesant,o tehnica de publicitate.
Se pare ca am avut dreptate asa ca a trebuit sa modific postul,cica e spoiler care platiti sa va dau raspunsul la intrebari?

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« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2007, 01:36:18 PM »

Foarte frumos... Mi`a placut enorm... Scrii frumos si interesant.. De unde ai avut ideea aceasta?.. Oricum, tine`o tot asa, ca merita... M`am distrat calumea..

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