Theory of the Strings.
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« on: August 29, 2007, 07:11:37 PM » |
Uneori este bine sa lasi o serie anime sa vorbeasca de la sine.Asta am de gand sa fac,nici nu sunt in starea optima sa scriu acum despre Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei,de aceea am de gand sa postez doar : niste poze si niste citate care starnesc rasul,sau cel putin un interes morbid pentru acesta seria mai putin conventionala.Mi se pare ca anime-ul se remarca,printr-un umor sarcastic si niste idei originale,eu una nu ma pot satura de el...
Nu stiu cati veti avea rabdare sa cititi dar siguranta vor fi cativa nu? Replici ingrosate sunt adaugate de mine. ~ And the comment!~
[And so,her abusive e-mails swept through the classroom] ~Meru Otonashi, - Abusive E-mai Girl~ [You can't become a psychometrer who reads minds...] [Watch out when you're walking alone at night...]
The original episode was chaos...(cry) The Devil ( Temporary Name) being criticize before it even curs...Zero Zero. [Saved by the fact that i have no dreams] the phrase was indicating the despair that Itoshiki sensei has accumulated while being raised by life. He could by ironic, because of the fact he had no dreams...or yet just to commit suicide. * seito = elev.
Itoshiki sensei said that everyone should live according to their status.He tried to find out everybody's status.A ordinary boy entered the room. Itoshiki sensei : I know this is sudden,but you could you borrow me 2,000 yen? Seito : Whaa? That's too much,i can give you that much Itoshiki : Then 1,000 yen? Seito : Still too much...i can't afford that much money Itoshiki : 500 yen? Seito: well,umm Itoshiki : 250yen? Seito : well,umm Itoshiki : 100 yen? Seito : Still too much! Itoshiki( with a dieing face)...Then 50 yen? Seito : (With a frustrated face). Umm,i think i could give you 50 yen sensei. Then this it is,said Itoshiki sensei ( a.k.a Mr Despair),your human caliber is 50 yen.You are that kind of person who...will get pissed if someone uses the erase after borrowing a pencil( the possibility of his reaction : ( Did you asked for permission to use that?!,Don't toy with me dummy).(Not listening)(I'm gonna cry)( Wanna get hooked?) the kind of person who : Instead of using their own cell phone at camp...they use someone else's cell phone for light."Other cell phone's are so bright..."- This is the kind of person you want to be..."(ok,could you borrow me yours,anyway...)
After a while
The high school teacher...Nozomu Itoshiki...won second prize in the shopping district lottery.The prize was...a trip in the host spring.(Men's).(Changing room).An opportunity to wash away the stress of a harsh world...while refreshing the body and soul. Itoshiki : An open air bath,huh?Very refined.This is so soothing...You're...Sekiutsu-san!?(Womens!?what the heck...) One of the girls in his class : That's dangerous(Sekiutsu san was standing on the wall between the women and the men bath)!Come down! Sekiustsu : Teacher's here. All girls : Huh?Teacher is...? ( Woman|Men- the line should mean a visibly wall between the two species). The wall falls with Sekiutsu on in right into Itoshiki's head. Fuura - Wasn't this situation cut yesterday? Water falls over them( Ahh..all scream). Unlucky Channel...Fuura( who seems a little stupid,in fact she optimistic all the time,like a tiger would only like the play with her,never eat her). : Whoa! ( cheerful).This steam is so thin!
He is naked in front of them while ( of course we see only his back),on his back is written on a rope"Keep out".
Unlucky Channel( again),Fuura : And now... Itoshiki : NO!( screaming on a woman's voice,while covering his tits) All girls(sarcastic) : This should be our reaction... Itoshiki (oh...he's blushing...he doesn't impress me at all) : Don't you girls have any shame!? One of the girls : Well,more or less...BUT [Censored for broadcast] I don't particularly mind care about being seen by Teacher. Fuura : That's true. Another girl : In fact...(showing her throat,not her BREASTS)...Please look.(Water + Stand = Cry) Itoshiki : It's as though...I'm not being registered as a man. Girls ( Whispering) : I think his ego's bruised.( oh yes god dammit)
------ Thanks for the reply : So what's the real story with the meat buns? [Reckless Inferior Depraved Repentant Ruinous Foul - mouthed Revered Master Despair the great.
Itoshiki trying to commit suicide : I...drowned myself in a pool of Dom Perignon...and died.(in his dreams of course,he can't die,or at least in this 5 episodes from the on-going series). And the conclusion...Hot springs do Remove Toxins and Stains...(Woeful Nation)--changing your personality...
si asa ar continua replicile si comentarile mele...e o serie super amuzanta,merita vazuta,no spoiler.
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2007, 12:45:19 AM » |
Buahahaha!super amuzant (si super mega sadic ) Grafica e super! very pink la inceput Cel mai mult mi-a placut ...chelul ala cu okelari care intodeauna aparea in unele faze lol ce fata are ala Eh...ce nu trebuiesc ratate sunt scrisurile de pe tabla Dialogurile sunt foarte amuzante...proful ala e kiar depresiv
End-songul....e scarry asa de sadic !!! ... ... ... oare o sa o ia razna proful si o sa ii ucida pe toti hmmm next episode
Theory of the Strings.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)
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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2007, 10:31:45 AM » |
Nu cred ca Itoshiki o sa o ia razna,mai degraba cred ca o iau razna toate fetele dupa el,dupa cum vezi fara sa vrea le face pe toate sa se indragosteasca de el...ciudat barbat mai e si el.Atat de disperat,cum nui-i merge :"I think i'm in despair,now i really am in despair.."In rest imi pare un tip destul de inteligent si interesant,mi-ar placea sa cunosc un astfel de tip in viata reala,m-ar tine interesata,nu cred ca m-as plictisii.Cam ciudate fetele alea,mai ales Otonashi...E-mail,e-mail abusive girl...adica pare cel mai timid personaj anime cu putinta si de fapt,prin mail te injura de te ia naiba...cred c-am ras la faza aia cu lacrimi...Da,imi plac multe din replicile puse de tabla,unele chiar le-am postat in post-zilla de deasupra.Unele sunt prea bune ca sa le pun,mai bine le las sa fie descoperite in functie de gusturile si buna dispozitie a fiecaruia.Hehe,ma bucur ca vad un fan Zetsubou,thanks for the post purple...
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2007, 04:55:35 PM » |
Acum ma uit la al doilea ep (vroiam sa ma uit ora 2noaptea...dar nu prea am o mama intelegatoare -_-" )....mai si nici nu a inceput bine deja tipul ala vroia sa se sinucida din nou ahh si culmea ca dupa ce ....aproape ca l-a ucis eleva aia...el zice "What would you do if I had died " ce sec e tipul...adica..daca nu moare de mana vrea sa moara? LOL must look 5 episodes from the on-going series Adica...pana acum sunt NUMAI 5 ep?? G F-ing damn it!!am zis ca ma las de anime-urile ON-GOING...damn my luck
Theory of the Strings.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)
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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2007, 06:20:07 PM » |
Sorry,acum e facut in eu astept cu nerabdare urmatoarele episoade.Sunt fana Zetsubou...multumesc de postare;)
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." - Wernher Von Braun (1912-1977) ~ "Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so." - Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before." - Mae West (1892-1980)
*~Arctic Goddess~*
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"Cand voi fi mare, vreau sa devin un Pokemon!"
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2007, 11:47:23 AM » |
Hmmm.. interesant....anime....
Cred ca ma apuc de dwl .
Sa vedem....
Chuunin (C-rank mission)
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Haruhi Stalker
« Reply #6 on: December 27, 2007, 06:58:10 PM » |
F fain animeul ^__^ Animatia ..culorile ..super Toate fetele prea kawaii in spec Kafuka shi ...uhm uitat cum o cheama zic .." Stalkeru" ^_^ OPul 2 ..crd ca de 1 sapt intruna il ascult pe repeat ..shi de fiecare dat cand apuc ma uit la el ^_^
Uhm .. aku cer shi eu o favoare plx am ajuns la epi 12 .. shi nul gasesc subed sub nici o forma are episodul subed pls PM me T_T
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)
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« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2007, 10:09:16 PM » |
Una dintre cele mai bune serii ale anului ^^ Cel mai mult m-a atras aparitia subtila a subiectelor psihologice, a problemelor sociale in acea atmosfera amuzanta. Anime-ul pune accent pe portretizarea personajelor, asa ca veti avea cate putin din fiecare ^^ Personal, cel mai mult am indragit-o pe Meru Otonashi adica tipa care nu putea comunica decat prin sms, za evil one. Oh, si sa nu uit de Kaere Kimura impreuna cu "I'll sue you"-ul caracteristic. Animatia... hmm, poate parea foarte stearsa, dar trebuie sa admit ca se potriveste perfect cu ideile prezentate. Uhm .. aku cer shi eu o favoare plx am ajuns la epi 12 .. shi nul gasesc subed sub nici o forma are episodul subed pls PM me T_T
Inca nu a fost subtitrat ^^ but fu*k those lazy subbers, go get the raw version :3 Sper ca nu se va intampla la fel cu sezonul 2 *stab stab*
« Last Edit: December 28, 2007, 10:12:05 PM by Ariadna »
Chuunin (C-rank mission)
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Haruhi Stalker
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2007, 08:45:25 PM » |
Inca nu a fost subtitrat ^^ but fu*k those lazy subbers, go get the raw version :3 Sper ca nu se va intampla la fel cu sezonul 2 *stab stab*
OU EM GY ... pay a fost scos raw 23 septembrie (wiki) .. asta e aku 3 luni + O.o cat de lenesi pot fi >.> bastards >.< am fsot dus in eroare ca am gasit torenturi cu fansub epi 12 ..dar cu 0 seederi 0 pearrs.....
Legendary Sannin
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« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2007, 09:33:14 PM » |
Pt fanii Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei e bine de stiut ca in 05.01.2024 va aparea a 2-a serie a acestui anime denumita Zoku Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Ca sa iti dai seama ca esti prost trebuie sa iti mearga mintea.
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)
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« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2008, 11:33:18 PM » |
Yup yup ^^ abia astept episoadele noi .. eurunik, great news: episodul 12 a fost subtitrat de AnimeLink (never heard of 'em, btw) - torrent Oh, si tocmai am observat ca grupul a.f.k. a reluat proiectul si a subtitrat episodul 11. Too late dudes >_> Edit: rofl, never mind that -__- Se pare ca e tradus de Anonymous, dar prezentat de AnimeLink.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2008, 12:05:24 AM by Ariadna »
Chuunin (C-rank mission)
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Haruhi Stalker
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2008, 10:36:16 AM » |
Hurrrrraaaayyyyyyyy !!!!!111two Best news i heard all weak ^__^ "jups up & down like a lil baby"
Tanc Iu