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News : Va rugam sa ne acordati cateva secunde si sa votati pentru situl animefan in animetop list 50. Va multumim ! November 04, 2007, 03:58:10 PM
AnimeFan | Sectiunea Principala | Quiz | Topic: Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent?
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Topic: Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent?  (Read 86 times)
Tensai nin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 23

Posts: 158

« Reply #15 on: July 29, 2007, 10:43:04 AM »

Ma'at was the goddess of physical and moral law in Egypt, of order and truth. She was not much of a goddess, but more of a concept. She was what was right; she was the way things should be.<p> You lead a very well-ordered life. You are just and keep things in balance. You know just how to react to things, and people like you for that.

Shinobi (D-rank mission)

Chakra: 2

Posts: 16

« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2007, 08:04:05 PM »

Ma'at was the goddess of physical and moral law in Egypt, of order and truth. She was not much of a goddess, but more of a concept. She was what was right; she was the way things should be.<p> You lead a very well-ordered life. You are just and keep things in balance. You know just how to react to things, and people like you for that.

Jounin (B-rank mission)

Chakra: 16

Posts: 384

hate is a form of love<3

« Reply #17 on: August 03, 2007, 08:11:18 PM »

Min, God of Fertility

Min was a fertility god that was believed to bestow sexual powers to all men. He was also the God of rain who was a generative force of nature. He was honored in the coronation rites of the pharaohs to ensure their sexual vigor and the production of a male heir.<p> You obviously wish to display your reproductive capabilities, which were obviously appreciated in ancient Egyptian times. It's not as appreciated nowadays, no, but this really isn't a 'bad' god to be associated with, just don't make your extreme fertility interfere with the law.<p>

Dare To Be Different!
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